Monday, June 8, 2015
{mind dump}
Friday, January 16, 2015
Dopey Challenge: Full Marathon
Dopey Challenge: 10k and Half Marathon
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Dopey Challenge: The Before
you’ve visited my Facebook page at all in the last two weeks you know just how
excited I was to leave for Florida, just how sick everyone around me seemed to
be getting and the fact that I was going to participate in something called the
Dopey Challenge at Walt Disney World. By now you also know how said challenge
went and have seen probably WAY more than your fair share of pictures about
said adventure. I had every intention of just journaling about the experience instead
of blogging about it… just writing down my thoughts for me and me alone to see,
but then I thought that it might be fun to share the details with everyone
who’s supported me along the way. That, and quite honestly, typing things out
goes A LOT faster than hand writing it. Just another reason to blog, right?! I
know, I’m just so logical these days.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Today marks 193 days until I do one of the craziest things that I will probably ever do in my life. In October 2012 I ran my first ever official 5k run. It was shortly after that race that my best friend, Victoria (whom I talk about on here often), decided to start running and we set out to run in a race every month for a year. We did pretty good with our goal! It was also shortly after my first 5k that I thought maybe one day I’d like to run a half marathon and set out to train for that. In April 2013 I completed my first ever half marathon and crushed my goal by about 10 minutes! I couldn’t believe it. It was after that half marathon that my hubby told me that I should run a marathon now. I gave him the evil eye and said NEVER! I had no ambition to run a marathon what so ever. I liked the 13.1 distance just enough to possibly consider another half marathon… possibly.
In late summer 2013 I found out I was pregnant and my gumption for another half marathon anytime soon dwindled away, but I had hopes of doing another one at some point. Then Victoria found the Dopey Challenge (of which I’ve blogged about before) and we knew that there was no turning back. We are officially crazy, but yes, we’ve always been this way together! Um, seriously, who else would I join forces with and wear a picture of some random guy I found in a magazine taped to my shirt every Friday while in high school. Hello, HOT GUY FRIDAY was a must, haha!
So, in 193 days the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend begins and I cannot wait! I am scared shitless about the prospect of running my first ever marathon the day after completing a half marathon, which is the day after running a 10k, which is the day after running a 5k. I am not scared about the 5k or the 10k or even the first half of the half marathon. I KNOW I will be able to complete those because I have before. And honestly, my only goal for the marathon is to finish it. I do not have plans to run the entire thing. I just want to FINISH! But seriously, 26.2 miles is daunting. Especially since at this point, almost one full month into training, my further distance has only been a 5k. I blame part of that on the 1 ½ week break I had to take because of a stomach virus that I had that caused anything I ate to literally go right through me which halted any running or working out for a bit. Ugh!
I am making progress though, that much I know. On May 26th I participated in my first 5k post baby that I was planning on running in and finished it in just under 45 minutes. On June 26th (last night) I ran a 5k in just under 37 minutes! Progress (not perfection)! Very proud of myself. Further, from May 1 until today I have lost 6.9% of my body weight! Hells yeah, I am officially back down to pre-baby weight! I still have some toning that I need to do, especially with my abs (darn you stomach muscles), but I am feeling SO much better (and most of my clothes fit again)!
I donned a swimsuit for the first time this past week in almost a year and went swimming with Ayden. It was great! Okay, so I still may not love my body in a swimsuit, but we had a lot of fun in the pool and I remembered my love of swimming! It is such a good workout and very relaxing at the same time. Yes, I just said that a workout can be relaxing, haha!
This week also ends my first month back at work and it has gone well. I’ve survived, the kids have survived, my house has survived, the hubs has survived. It’s all good (most of the time). My biggest problem is feeling like there are enough hours in the day, although I know that a lot of people struggle with this. Also, I don’t know why I didn’t realize this before now, but Jay gets to spend more time with the kids than I do and I am slightly jealous of that fact. I do get the awake time with them in the morning while we are all getting ready for the day so it kind of evens out on the days that Jay doesn’t get home until 3ish, but still. This momma likes her kiddo time, hehe! Anyways, it works for us and Jay is a great hands on father. I mean, I already knew that with Ayden, but he wasn’t around 24/7 when Ayden was a baby simply because we didn’t live together that first year. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t around at all or that he didn’t help, but I was without help most nights after 7pm. Granted, typically when I get home I take on baby duty since Jay has already been home for a few hours and because I’m kind of craving it, but it does help to also have him around when I do need a break. For example, like last night when Xander got up at 2am and this momma was tired… daddy took that feeding. Generally I do most night feedings, with Jay doing one (sometimes two) during a week and that is okay with me because he doesn’t complain.
I refuse to believe that next week we start July. The summer is already flying by and it seems like it has just started. Ugh!