Tuesday, January 14, 2014

{chin up}

If you've read my blog for any length of time in the last couple of months, you'll note a common theme (and if you haven't noted it, um, HELLO!)... I complain a lot about my pregnancy. I'm open and honest about what is going on (with ME) and that I am NOT enjoying. I don't sit here and sugarcoat things for my readers. I don't really blog for my readers in the first place. This is more of a journal for me. In any event, I thought it would be a nice change of pace for me to note some positives about my pregnancy as well. There are certainly no where near as many positives as there are negatives (at least in my opinion), but there is one that outweighs any and EVERY negative and that is the outcome. So no matter how horrible things may seem to me at any given point, I am always looking ahead and praying for the best outcome and thinking of that tiny baby I'll be holding when all is said and done.

Here goes... in no particular order.

Positive number one... my hair is thicker than it usually is and I'm not shedding at the rate I normally would with my long hair.

Positive number two... my nails are stronger and growing faster than they ever have. Typically they are pretty brittle. I still keep them pretty short, but they grow like weeds right now!

Positive number three... the ladies at work are extra nice to me. (They are like mother hens to begin with, but they love on me even more now, hehe! I honestly couldn't ask for a more caring boss and co-workers. I have seriously been blessed beyond measure!)

Positive number four... having an 'excuse' for getting to eat pretty much whatever you want, whenever you want! Haha! And unfortunately for my waist line, I've been giving in to whatever I feel like eating the majority of the time.

Positive number five... seeing the baby on the ultrasound. Granted with a normal pregnancy, you don't get many of these, but there is just something so magical about seeing your little one on the screen knowing that he or she is growing safely inside of you. It just put me in awe during pretty much all of them!

Positive number six... hearing baby's heartbeat. Is there really anything better?!

Positive number seven... feeling the baby move and groove! Seriously, probably the ONLY thing that I am going to miss once this pregnancy is over because I waited for years and years to feel it again. One of the biggest positives in my opinion, albeit not THE biggest one.

Positive number eight... having a valid reason for seeing the number on the scale going up, despite not wanting to see it increase.

Positive number nine...  (in my case) being able to use the increasing belly size as an excuse not to shave my legs. We all know I don't particularly enjoy that necessity of being a woman, haha! That and the fact that it's winter and no one is seeing my legs anyways so even more of an excuse to not make myself uncomfortable bending over trying to get those hairy beasts, haha! I mean, I love me a nice smooth leg, but at this point, it's just HARD! Not going to lie!

Positive number ten... getting to look at and buy all of that cute new baby stuff! (Let's just pretend that it doesn't hurt the pocket book when I do that, lol!)

There you have it, a few positives so far in my pregnancy. I try not to let myself be miserable most of the time because it just ruins my mood even more. I know that the craptastic weather hasn't helped any. I despise the cold and am oh so looking forward to the spring and being able to get back outside with Ayden, Drake, and the new baby. I'm counting down the potential days left at work until baby comes because although I truly do love my job, I cannot wait to have six to eight weeks off during (hopefully) good weather and to go on long walks. 

I know there are still double digit weeks left before we get to meet this tiny little man and I know that there will probably be more uncomfortable days than comfortable days, but I can hang in there. I may continue to whine a lot, but it's just my way of making it through each day sometimes!