Wednesday, June 12, 2013

{a few more sentences}

The weekend was good. Relaxing, yet good. Ayden finished up his soccer season with a win. He enjoyed the season and I think we'll be repeating that again next spring. I have to give a shout out to our family who consistently came to watch the little man play. I think it meant more to me than it did to Ayden. You see, for the longest time, it was always just Jay, Ayden, and myself. So for anything school related or sports related, it was just us. And it was just us because we lived so far away. (Not that our family didn't come see different things at different times.) So, it was different for me for our family to come to almost every game. I know they enjoyed it as well, otherwise they wouldn't have come; however, it was new to me and I really appreciated them being there. And I know that Ayden did too. Another perk of living closer. It just made me all warm and mushy on the inside, haha!
After the soccer game, my mom stuck around for awhile and helped with some wedding stuff. We got a few things done and after a trip to Walmart, I spent too much money, haha! It was productive and a good afternoon with my mom. But apparently not a good enough one to convince her to stick around in the Chilton area, haha, as she has finally found a new place to live closer to her new job. I'm definitely excited for her and can't wait to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in her new place this year with everyone!
I didn't workout on Friday because I was just zonked by the time I got home from work. I literally was in bed and asleep before 8pm. Yeah, I'm that person, lol! And then because my body is used to getting only a certain amount of sleep, I was wide awake at 4am! Anyways, I was jonsing for some activity later Saturday afternoon and I didn't want that hardcore of a workout, so I texted my bestie and we went for a 4.3 mile walk (yes, I mapped it out, Victoria) and had a great time talking. It was just what I needed. Plus, I got my steps in for that day!
My lackage of working out on Friday and my semi lackage of working out on Saturday were made up for it on Sunday. Ayden and Jay were gone the majority of Sunday leaving me with the house to myself. I did get quite a bit done even though I was home alone. I couldn't just sit and watch TV all day. By the afternoon I was getting antsy, so I went for a three mile run and after I got home, I quickly switched into my swim suit and I hit up the pool for a half hour of swimming. I had the entire pool to myself and even though swimming laps isn't necessarily considered an easy workout, it was definitely peaceful! I probably could have kept going. And if that wasn't enough, later in the night I busted out 40 minutes of strength training. Yeah, three workouts in one day. That's right! Although, I'm feeling a little sore today... I was expecting it yesterday, not today.
Yesterday was supposed to be a 45 minute Turbo Fire DVD, but instead Ayden and I went for a five mile bike ride around the track which only took us 33 minutes. We were flying. Okay, well I was flying for at least some of it, Ayden needed to take a few breaks which was okay. And I think instead of the 45 minute Turbo Fire DVD tonight, I think I might head out for a 4.5 mile run in the beautiful weather as that will take just about as long and I need a good run for my legs. I also saw that the new pool schedule is up and I think I'll be doing some morning swims. I honestly do love swimming!
I was even seriously considering joining Sarah in the Iron Girl triathalon later this summer because I had that date available, until I found out that you needed to be present in person to pick up your stuff the day before the event. Unfortunately I have something going on that day that I can't miss, so no Iron Girl for me this year. I could totally have swam 1/2 mile, rode my bike for 12 miles and then ran a 5k... totally! I suppose doing the Tough Mudder this year is enough!
You know, this not having to work two days a week thing is pretty nice; however, it'd be more fun if Ayden wasn't in summer school all day, lol! I had no ambition to do any housework at all today which meant that I was pretty bored.
I skipped the 45 minute Turbo Fire DVD last night in favor of 45 minutes of rollerblading in which time I did exactly 7 miles. Pretty proud of myself. I don't know if I'll be doing any of the Turbo Fire or just the ChaLEAN Extreme strength training stuff. Given the nice weather I much prefer my cardio getting done in other more fun ways: running, biking, rollerblading, swimming, etc...
After dropping Ayden off at school this morning I did hit up the pool for a good 40 minute swim session. Once again I was the only one in the pool. That is definitely one nice thing about living in a small town. I love that we have access to the pool facilities (even if we have to pay a small fee now- as it was free for city residents for a number of years). The facility is great! (And the pool was even a decent temperature today.) Anyways, the small town means that the pool is very frequently super busy, especially during the times I tend to go. LOVE that! I also did my 40 minutes of strength training today and even though the moves themselves are not hard, I was dripping in sweat! A good day, that's for sure! And maybe a bike ride later?! Something easy! I just feel like I need to be moving!
Bring on the rest of the week! This summer is just going to fly by!