Sunday, June 2, 2013

{mommy blogger}

Mommy blogging is all the rage these days! You’d be hard pressed to find a stay at home mom who doesn’t blog (or for that matter, a working mom who doesn’t blog). It’s the truth, like it or not. Not that I have anything against mommy bloggers (because I love me some good mommy blogs), but that leads me into what I’m about to post today.

Unbeknownst to my mom, she gave a good attempt at mommy blogging back in the day before mommy blogging even existed. Today, while she was gathering some addresses for me for the upcoming wedding, she happened upon some stuff she had written for me back in the day and sent it to me. With her permission, I am sharing it on my blog with all of you because I think it is so sweet! I have written to Ayden on my blog before on his birthdays and essentially, a lot of my blog chronicles his life as it is. I don’t know if when my mom started this she ever had any intention of me seeing it, but now twentyish years later I did get to read it and loved it!

So… here goes…

06-14-93 Hi Ashley, I decided I should start a journal about each one of you kids so that when you get older and have to write about yourself you will really know what you were like! You are almost 7 years old. Time sure has flown by fast.You just finished 1st grade. I am sure proud of how smart you are and how much you learned. I'm sure I couldn't read as good as you can when I was in 1st grade. I think we first learned the alphabet then. How does that go again ABCD,ha! ha! Lets go back to the beginning. The day before you were born Chilton Metal Products (This is where your dad works) was having their annual summer picnic. Your dad and I were in charge of the picnic, someone else might have been in charge also, but I don't remember them helping. It seems funny that it was you dads picnic and I did all the work plus I was huge because you were pushing my belly out of wack. Anyway after the picnic I helped them clean up. I was picking up trash all over the place, standing up and down, bending forward and backwards. The next morning you decided it was time to be born. The fluid that you lived in inside my belly came out and this was the first sign that you also wanted to come out. I was scared because you were not due to be born for another 3 weeks. I called the doctor and he told us to come in. The doctor did an ultrasound which tells him how big you are. They couldn't get an accurate reading and therefore decided you were to small to be born. He then gave me some pills to convince you to stay put. The Doctor then consulted with another Doctor and they decided that they should let you come out. Well 24 hours later you made your appearance. You were 7 lbs .6 oz and 19 inches long. You had dark black hair and how tiny. They had to show me everything there was about taking care of babies. I didn't know a thing. It took me a long time to feel comfortable watching you. The first night we had you sleeping in a bassinet next to the bed (I mean right next to the bed) You were so noisy that I couldn't sleep, so when you woke up for your feeding I pushed you in your own room, and believe me I still heard you scream for your next feeding. I have to end this for tonight because I am tired. I will finish this later.

June 26, 1995 Funny isn't it that it took me more than two years to come back to this. You are now almost 9 years old and have just finished the 3rd grade. You are stubborn at times and still very smart. Back to the baby story - You grew very quickly I believe at your 7 week check-up that your were 12 pounds and from then on you continued to grow. You were in large diapers at 6 months and had the chubbiest legs and arms. Just look at all the pictures. You did not walk until you were a little over a year. We did video tape your first birthday take a look at it and see how much fun you had. Again I started this a bit late and should actually go to bed but I promise that I will write more and not two year later…

At least she tried… it’s more than two years later mommy dearest, where is the rest?! And you were right, it did put a smile on my face!

Not going to lie, have the greatest mom around!



Sarah said...

That is SO awesome!