Thursday, December 26, 2013

{2013 year in review}

For the past couple of years, come the end of December I've done a 'year in review' type blog post so I thought that I would continue the tradition and do another one for 2013!
I spent the very beginning of 2013 in the ER with the worst cold/illness that I had had in a LONG time. NO fun ringing in the new year not feeling well. I picked up my running again towards the end of January when I started to feel better, but I missed my actual 5k run that month because I was sick. I also went bridesmaid shopping in January with my sister and cousins and we decided on two different dresses for the wedding!
Victoria and I did our first run together of 2013 in February. We made personalized shirts for it and everything, but they didn't exactly turn out how we had imagined, so we didn't end up wearing them. Bummer! We also took our kiddos snow shoeing for the first time in February and had lots of fun! It is definitely something that I would love to do again at some point... although probably not in 2014. February also included more running, only this time most of it was done at the gym because it's damn cold outside in February in Wisconsin and there is often a lot of snow and ice still on the roads/sidewalks which makes it all the more difficult to run on.

First over 10 mile run in March and it was like a high of 10 degrees that day! Luckily it was sunny out!

I completed my first half marathon and then went and got a tattoo too commemorate it by! Yes... I got a tattoo for running 13.1 miles. 13.1 miles is a freaking long way to run, especially when you started out not enjoying running at all! Sometimes I STILL can't believe that I ran 13.1 miles without stopping. Definitely one of my finer moments. April was also the month that my strawberry addiction started and it pretty much stayed through the entire summer! LOVE strawberries (although right now I don't particularly care for them while being pregnant).

I GRADUATED! What a great month May was because I was finally done with school and celebrated graduation with my family! I was hired on as an employee at my externship and couldn't have been more excited to start my journey as a full fledged audiologist! I could not believe how fast the last four year had gone by and that I was finally done with school. It was certainly quite the accomplishment and I am SO proud that I finished it! Ayden and I also ran our first 5k together this month... it was a color run and it was a blast! He actually ran quite a bit of it with me and I told him towards the end that we needed to walk because my knee was killing me from my half marathon just two weeks prior.

In June, Victoria and I rocked out our very first 'adventure/mud' run at Edge the Ledge and adventure run it was! We were both covered in mud by the end of it and couldn't have had a better time together! It was definitely fun and challenging and I would love to do it again sometime! Ayden and I continued our training runs this month, even in the super hot weather! I loved running with him around the track every night and just hearing what he had to say!

We had family camping with my dad's side of the family this month! I always enjoy going camping with my dad's side of the family and this year was no exception. We went to a great place, had overall pretty great weather, and ate WAY too much good food! Plus, the company was pretty great as well! Victoria and I did another 5k run and I finished it under 30 minutes and allowed myself the piece of apple pie they were handing out at the end. I really pushed myself this race and it was the last one that I ran really hard. My sister, her boyfriend, Ayden, and I hit up the Milwaukee Zoo this month as well, got rained on for a little while, and had lots of fun seeing all of the animals, especially the gorilla who was having a bad attitude day, haha!

I found out at the beginning of this month that our family of three was going to become a family of four! I was SO excited to share the news with Jay and eventually Ayden because we cannot keep anything secret at our house for very long, haha! I had a slight inkling that something may be up because shortly before I found out I was pregnant, I was SO tired and SO hungry and that just wasn't normal for me! I also celebrated by 27th birthday by doing my very first Dirty Girls 5k mud run with my bestie, Victoria, ON my birthday while five weeks pregnant. Unfortunately, the day after said mud run, morning sickness hit and I haven't worked out since then. Ayden turned nine and we celebrated his birthday by going bowling with the family! It was a lot of fun!

It felt like September would never come this year... we were waiting for it FOREVER! I continued to suffer through morning sickness through much of September, but I also married my best friend... the man who has been my everything for the last ten years and we went on the most fabulous honeymoon together. Ten years together and we had never gone away without the little man before. It was a great vacation and I cannot wait to do it again (this time while not being pregnant and throwing up every day).

I continued to suffer through all day sickness for the majority of this month as well which really sucked. I had quite a few photo shoots to try and make it through and did successfully despite wanting to vomit during all of them, lol! Not that my clients needed to know that. It was also during this month that I got to see our peanut for the first time where he actually looked like a baby. I got to see him at the first ultrasound in September; however, he was more of a gummy bear at that point. The ultrasound tech gave me her prediction that it was going to be a boy, but she could only say with 60% certainty that was her guess. I did another 5k this month with Victoria, Ayden, and Alexis... only this one we walked. It went well! I missed being able to run it though.

We had a great Thanksgiving this month and certainly had enough to be thankful for! I photographed a wedding with my cousin and that went well. I didn't want to vomit the whole day... just most of it, haha! I did another walk with my mom and Ayden... only a two miler this month. It was the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving and despite it being cold out, we had a great time together! We also added the fifth member of our growing family this month and adopted a chocolate lab puppy and named him Drake. He fits right in with our crazy household! (Although the cat doesn't care for him too much yet!)

We found out that we will be adding another little boy to our family and couldn't be more excited! And as busy as life had seemed for the last couple of months, December seemed to kind of slow down for us for a little while. We enjoyed Christmas with our families and look ahead to 2014 with just as much excitement as we did 2013!