Monday, December 30, 2013

{before Christmas}

*Written prior to Christmas.*

Christmas is this week and I'm not really ready for it. It seems like it came upon us out of no where this year. I have yet to wrap Ayden's presents and Christmas is only two days away. I just don't feel like wrapping them though, haha! It will get done, it needs to get done, but this year I've been all about last minute stuff. Oops. Too much other stuff on my mind I guess.
We got our first big big snow storm of the year this past weekend. So happy that it happened over the weekend and it wasn't a weekend that Jay was supposed to go in and work and that he actually had the day off today so I could take it truck into work instead of my car because that made my drive seem that much easier. I called him once I got to work and told him that I thought we needed to switch vehicles because I much prefer driving his over mine, at least during this time of the year. Although the roads were not horrible this morning, I know that it would have taken me longer had I driven my car, and we are supposed to get more snow during the day, so the truck will help with my drive home. I don't know how he thinks he is going to get anywhere today with my car; however, because our snow blower is on the fritz and our drive is still a mess with deep snow that I KNOW my car isn't getting through. In any case, I made it to work safely.

Our weekend was low key. We switched up when we were going to have Christmas with my mom as we were going to have it on Sunday, but because of the weather we switched it to Saturday which worked out well, except for the fact that Jay couldn't make it because of the wrestling tournament. Either way, the rest of us had a good time together! We opened gifts, had a super yummy lunch, played Monopoly, laughed, took pictures... just had fun! Plus, my brother offered to drive Ayden and myself which was very nice of him given that the roads weren't perfect on Saturday either.

Yesterday was a relaxing day at home. We ventured out in the snow storm to go across town to get some groceries and then spent the rest of the day inside. Ayden and I worked on cleaning the toy room as it really was a disaster, Jay put plastic on the windows, we watched the Packer game, I did some laundry... etc etc etc... just a typical Sunday at our house. I need to be more conscious of the amount of work that I am doing, or at least at the pace that I am going because even just some up and down in the toy room for a few hours and I was a hurting unit by the end of the night. I have just about sixteen weeks to go yet and don't want to have to deal with horrible back and pelvic pain that entire time.

I got some good and exciting news at work last week. As of the first of the year, I will be a fulltime employee. I am very excited as the extra income will be greatly appreciated when the new baby arrives and the fact that my student loans are needing to be repaid now. I am slightly bummed (only for a selfish reason) that I will no longer get to enjoy two extra days off during the week. I 'worked' full time last year and by 'worked' I mean, I was a free intern that did all of my bosses work and it was fine. I don't mind working fulltime, and the plan was all along for me to go fulltime when the position was available. I certainly would have enjoyed two extra days off with the tiny man this summer after he was born, but that is okay. Working fulltime for the rest of this pregnancy is bound to make it fly by which is what I want, haha! I hate wishing away time by any means, but you know... I'm excited to meet this little guy.

I went through a small panic mode last week about having another kid and everything that it is going to entail. Sometimes I wonder if we should have waited a little while longer, but then I think... wait for what?! I don't know that the timing would ever be perfect to add another child and Ayden is only getting older and then why would I want to start all over again once he's a teenager. Certainly people do it... I mean, my dad had another one when my brother was already 12 or 13.... it can be done. Life is definitely going to change (for the better of course) with the addition of the tiny man to our family and I know that shortly after he is born it will be like he was meant to be with us all along. A pregnant woman is allowed to have some moments of panic, right?!