Monday, December 2, 2013

{happy thanksgiving}

I figured after such a depressing post the last time, this one better be more up beat. I'm definitely having a better day, not quite as emotional as I was the last time. Like I said, writing is cathartic and I just needed to get it all out for me to feel a little bit better about the situation. Plus, I got some really helpful words from some other people. Life ebbs and flows, and we (I) were ebbing for a little while. That's all. I'm definitely sure there will be more ups and downs in life, in fact, I KNOW there will be more ups and downs and I'll just take them for what they are.
So, now on to Thanksgiving!
We had an overall very good Thanksgiving. Lots of yummy food, although I wish I would have been able to eat more than I did. I did end up stuffing myself pretty full at all of the places that we went to. I mean, the food was just SO good! I couldn't stop putting it in my mouth!
On Thanksgiving morning, Ayden, my mom, and myself participated in the Turkey Trot two mile walk and had a fun time! The drive to my mom's house was less than thrilling as we had gotten a bit of snow the night before and the paranoid driver in me had to take it slower than I would have liked, but we made it safely! The weather was cold, but we bundled up, put toe warmers in a shoes and hand warmers in our gloves and walked the two miles in no time! Ayden didn't whine once. It was a lot of fun! I'm glad that it wasn't windier where we were because we were right by the lake. Afterwards, we went back to my mom's house and I kicked both of their butts in a rousing game of Monopoly. It was tons of fun! Then we had a yummy lunch and just hung out for a little while before heading home and relaxing some more and then heading to Jay's parent's house for Thanksgiving supper with his family.
SO much good food at his parent's house as well! We chilled there for a little while too before I got too tired and wanted to go home. I was also pretty sore from the walk earlier in the day. Ayden spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's because Jay was going hunting on Friday and I was heading out for some Black Friday shopping deals! And deals I got! Actually, by the time we went shopping all of the doorbuster deals were either over or gone, but I didn't really have anything in mind that I needed to get. I did get quite a few things though and may or may not have gotten a few things for myself as well. I mean, who could pass up clothes 50% off at Old Navy! It was probably a good thing that I was only shopping for maternity stuff for myself this year and not other stuff because I really could have done a lot of damage, haha!
It was a long day of shopping on Friday, but it was a good day!
Saturday afternoon was Thanksgiving on my mom's side of the family which meant more good food and good company! I got all prettied up for the occasion and felt cute. I even blow dried my hair which was a first in about four months! It turned out good!
And Sunday... Sunday was for relaxing. We did not do too much yesterday at all. I organized the baby's room since it was sort of becoming a catch all place for left over wedding things and what not and I wanted to know what was all in there. I relaxed on the couch and cuddled with Drake (he still prefers my lap over his new comfy pillow), and edited some pictures.
Ayden and I also took Drake for his very first 'walk' yesterday as well and for being only a 10 week old puppy, he did pretty well. I can't believe that we've had him for about a month already. That is kind of crazy! Time definitely does fly fast! Even more so with the holidays looming and what not. I know that the next month and a half is going to go pretty fast too. I mean, it is only three weeks until Christmas and this week... this week is ULTRASOUND WEEK!
I cannot tell you how excited I am to find out whether this little nudger is a girl or a boy! (I don't know if I've mentioned it in a previous post or not, but the ultrasound tech at my 12 week appointment gave her best guess based on some images... she said she was 60% sure it was a... wait, did you think I'd tell you?!) We shall see this week (hopefully) if she was correct or not! I give props to those who can/want to wait to find out until the baby is born because first off, I am not that patient, I am too much of a planner, and knowing ahead of time (at least for ME) makes it a little more personal between me and baby. Baby has been moving and grooving more... well, I should clarify that I've been feeling it more and more lately and actually seeing my belly move from the outside. It really is one of the best things about being pregnant. I could sit and stare (and sometimes do) at my belly now just willing the baby to move. I've been waiting for this part of pregnancy for a long time. I think I posted about that in my last post.
Just a few more days!!!