Monday, December 16, 2013

{random facts}

Some random factoids you may or may not already know about me...
1. The ONE and ONLY place in our house that I am okay with being a total mess is my closet. Nine times out of ten, if you were to look in it, there would be a pile of clothes covering the floor of it.
2. I love strawberry flavored things, but couldn't eat strawberries, until this past summer. Then I just couldn't get enough of them! I was a serious strawberry addict! Then... I got pregnant and morning sickness struck and now I can't stand really any fruit. Hoping to add strawberry addiction back to the list next summer!
3. I don't wash the dishes at our house. Jay does. I do laundry.
4. Jay's not very good at keeping up with the dishes. I'm not very good at keeping up with the laundry. Oops. But they get done.
5. I used to swear that when I became an adult I wouldn't be a thermostat control freak. I am. Heat is expensive... put a sweatshirt on or two or three! I've become my mom, haha!
6. I hate winter. I hate winter driving more.
7. I'm terrified I'll go into labor while at work seeing a patient and/or my water will break while seeing a patient. And... I'll be an hour and a half away from my hospital. I know I have time to worry about that yet, but it's definitely a thought swirling in my head. (Someone please tell me why I chose a hospital in Appleton to deliver my baby at when I work right across the street from a major one in Sheboygan?! Oh, that's right, I love my doctor in Appleton.)
8. I stare at my wedding ring... A LOT! And still can't believe Jay and I are finally married!
9. I can't wear socks or jewelry to bed.
10. I hate admitting to Jay when I'm wrong, and it does happen. (Not very often though.) I'm definitely not good as losing arguments.
11. I hate shaving my legs and do it as little as possible. It's not like I enjoy hairy legs, I just don't enjoy shaving them. In the summer it's probably every other day, in the winter, it's more like once a month, haha! Hairy legs girl, RIGHT HERE!!!
12. I rarely drink alcohol. And when I do, it's typically in the summer, typically a fruity drink, and typically made by my honey or his dad while we are camping. And as a result, I've never been drunk. I plan to keep it that way. Alcohol just doesn't appeal to me.
13. I was in college for NINE years! That's almost as long as it took me to get from kindergarten through 12th grade! I'm now a doctor of audiology and absolutely love my job.
14. I'm in mounds and mounds of student loan debt. See previous number. I'll be paying it off for a LONG time. I wish we could afford for me to only work part time forever because I would love to have two days at home during the week with the new baby. I could not be a full time stay at home mom. I enjoy my job/calling and my patients. My family would suffer if I were at home all of the time. Working is what works for our family. (And pays the bills.)
15. I LOVE to read. Getting sucked into a good book is pure bliss. I don't read enough lately.
16. I also love to rollerblade. It may be a 'thing of the past' these days, but it is a TON of fun! I love to be outside and active... walking, running, rollerblading, hiking, biking, anything outside!
17. I drive a Ford Focus... what was once my dream car. I still love it. It treats me nice. Now I'd love a small SUV. We can't afford one. Jay just got a new vehicle. We'll be paying on that for a while. The next new car will be mine.
18. My hands are typically cold. Like ice cold. Even when the rest of me is warm, my hands are cold.
19. I have six tattoos. Two of which are on my wrists that I thought people would continually comment on. Most could care less. I like that. I will probably get more tattoos at some point.
20. I a hobbyist photographer. I love taking pictures for people, but I find that the more I do for others, the less I do for myself. I need to get back into the habit of getting my camera out for myself more often. I'm sure I won't have a problem with that once the baby is born.
21. I'm a runner. I grew up HATING running. Over the last year, I've grown to love it. I completed my first half marathon in April 2013. I ran 13.1 miles without stopping or walking. Sometimes I still can't believe it. I got a tattoo to commemorate it. I'm excited to train for another one after the baby is born. I think I might run a full marathon someday!
22. I like to change up my hair style and often go crazy with it. I've been everything from my original dark brown to bright blond, to black, and even purple. This is probably the longest I have gone in a LONG time without doing something crazy with my hair. I'm SO ready to just chop it off and go short again, but it takes longer to style when it's short and I don't have the energy for that right now.
23. I became a mom just four days after turning 18. I wouldn't have changed it for the world. Life may have been more difficult than it could have been for me/us otherwise, but I knew we'd make it through.
24. I suck at interior decorating. I'd love to hire someone to come decorate our house, but alas, cannot afford it. We've been living in our current house for over a year and a half now and have very little pictures hanging (mostly because the walls are super old and super thick and super hard to get a nail into).
25. I've worn glasses since I've been three. I've worn contacts for the last how many years, but still bust out the glasses a few times during the week. I'm pretty much blind without them. Well, not really, but I prefer to see things clearly, so generally either always have my glasses or contacts on while I'm awake.


Unknown said...

Love your blogs Ashley!! That is one of the reasons I do not do Photography so much anymore I was not enjoying it like I used to and wanted to continue to love it so only do a few a year which is fine by me.

I thought your walls looked wonderful with all your beautiful photos on it!!

Have a great day!