Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{right frame of mind}

It’s been a couple of days since I have blogged (again), but I’m sure you didn’t miss me all that much!

Life has been continuing to roll on around me. Some days I feel like it is flying at warp speed and I am just watching it all go on around me and am not really in it. If that makes any sense. And other days I feel like it is dragging on FOREVER! I can’t believe though that at the end of this week we will already be half way through October. Where has the time gone, really?!?!

Last Friday was like Christmas at my house for me. A bunch of stuff that I had ordered came in. My Thirty-One party stuff came in… LOVE it all! My Lia Sophia jewelry came in… LOVE it all also! And, I finally decided on a new workout program and that came in too!

As I had previously written in a different blog post, I was getting into a rut with working out. I was getting bored with the workouts that I was doing and it was making me not want to work out at all. In fact, I took almost all of last week off. Then, it was like super right timing because as I was thinking about what I wanted to try next with working out, my cousin Amanda (who is currently a coach for Beachbody and doing her own Turbo Fire workout) offered a discount to individuals for the program. She was letting people order the program with HER discount and honestly, I really couldn’t pass it up! And… I had been thinking about it anyways, just didn’t know if I was fully committed. This was totally a sign for me! So, I let Amanda know that I wanted to order it and it came literally like two days later!

I said ‘screw it’ to not working out for the rest of the week and got started with the Turbo Fire program. Something must be wrong with me… giving up two more days of not working out just so I could start a new program?! What can I say? I was really excited!

I watched the Getting Started DVD first and then the first workout before trying anything. The workouts all have a new to class option in which the moves are broken down for you. Friday night I got my workout clothes on and got ready to get my Turbo Fire groove on! I’ll admit that I was a little bit nervous to start after having watching it earlier in the day and I’m not going to lie and say that I wasn’t dancing around like a fool during some of it, hehe! At one point about halfway through it I was SO ready to just hit the stop button and say screw it because I wasn’t getting it, but I pushed through and kept going. I kept telling myself that it was only my first time doing the workout and that it was going to take practice before I got the hang of it and really felt comfortable with it. I was so glad that I pushed through it and let me tell you, I was dripping just as much as any other workout too.

I think one of my favorite thing about the program is that it tells me what I should be doing every day and there is no guess work or trying to decide what I should do. And… they give you a day off! Because of when I started the workout, my day ‘off’ ends up on Sundays which is kind of nice, but I know in the coming weekends it will probably end up being some Saturdays because we won’t be home. In any case, I think I am really going to enjoy it. The second workout was one of the HIIT workouts which stands for high intensity interval training and even though it was only 15 minutes long, I was huffing and puffing like none other by the time I was done. Definitely high intensity and I loved it! Short workouts that leave me huffing and puffing are my favorite!

Tonight was the Fire 55 EZ workout and let me tell you, EZ does NOT stand for EASY! This workout kicked my booty and (don’t tell anyone), I didn’t even finish it! I made it through about 40 minutes of it before I almost passed out! I guess that I am going to have to work up to the whole 55 minutes. But if it makes any difference, I had to do the new to class option first and so that meant I was doing the first routine twice. Once again, dripping in sweat though. I am seriously LOVING this workout! It is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. I love the whole tae-bo/kick boxing aspect of it and the high intensity and the fact that the instructor is actually working out with you. In so many of the other DVDs that you get the instructor works out for the first 30 seconds and then spends the rest of the time telling you should you should be doing it. In this one, Chalene is kicking your butt at the same time that she is working her butt off too! Awesome!

It was another busy weekend at our house, well at least for me. On Saturday I was able to get together with two of my besties from my undergraduate course work. The fourth was unable to make it and we were all sad because it is just not the same when someone is missing and all four parts of the whole are not together. We had a scrumptious lunch at Olive Garden and then headed off to get our nails done before doing some shopping. I just got a manicure done, but no fake nails. I cannot stand fake nails, well on me anyways. Did it once, won't be doing that again anytime soon, at least no acrylics. I don't mind the Sally Hansen kind that you can do yourself at home.

After our mani/pedis, we hit up the consignment stores in Appleton. I had never been to Platos Closet before and let me tell you, I WILL be going back! Lots of awesome things for cheap! I will admit that I probably won't be buying a pair of used jeans for $18, even if they are Silver... I just have a hard time paying that much for a pair of used jeans. In any case, not all of their clothes were that highly priced and I have nothing against buying used and saving the difference. This time though, I kept the debit card in the wallet and didn't spend any money.
The same cannot be said when we went into Once Upon a Child though. I did find a nice pair of dress shoes for Ayden for only $3 which I bought, along with a few books. My total there was only $12 so I didn't think that was too bad. And Ayden needed the dress shoes for an upcoming wedding and one can never have enough books.

On Sunday we went to the apple orchard that we found last year. They had a corn maze that we went through and I have to say that it must have been super easy and/or Ayden got really lucky with the paths that he was choosing because I swear that we were only in the maze for a total of 15 minutes. I didn't think it was all that fun. Oh well though, this weekends maze is sure to definitely provide some excitement! We also picked some apples and pumpkins to take home with us. We found two huge pumpkins to carve and I have to say that I am kind of excited because we haven't carved pumpkins at our house in the last couple of years. And these are some massive pumpkins by our standards and they were relatively reasonably priced given that the pumpkin crop was apparently pretty bad this year. IMG_0463IMG_0465IMG_0467IMG_0469IMG_0477IMG_0480IMG_0482IMG_0485IMG_0488IMG_0489IMG_0490IMG_0491IMG_0501IMG_0502IMG_0505IMG_0506IMG_0513IMG_0516IMG_0517IMG_0521IMG_0526 (2) copyIMG_0529 copyI have an ever increasing list of things that I need (and want) to get done this week and about the ambition of a slug to get them done. And now I’m kind of bummed because I received some not so pleasant news from my teacher/advisor. Ugh, maybe I’ll have the ambition to go into it tomorrow. Ugh again!