Sunday, July 8, 2012

{camp camp camping}

This past weekend was spent in relaxation at a campground with my honey, little man, and Jay's parents and it was a lot of fun. Jay's brother decided not to come with us at the last minute and he missed out on a good time because fun was had by all. We swam, played mini golf, went fishing, rode our bikes, ate WAY too much, and all around just had a great time.

I am literally sitting in Jay's parent's truck waiting for Jay's dad to finish dumping the waste at the dump station... can't say that I've ever written a blog post in this kind of situation before. The reason that I am waiting in Jay's parent's truck is because my honey unfortunately had to work this morning so he left us last night and little man and I are riding home with Jay's parents.

When we got here on Friday the weather was pretty tortoreous yet... still super hot and humid! Icky! Thankfully, Jay's parents have air conditioning in their camper and sleeping on Friday night was definitely the most enjoyable it has been all week, at least temperature wise. But before we all crashed Friday night... we had to hit up the swimming pond. This particular camp ground actually had an indoor pool, but we didn't even bother going to check it out as I thought we might when I first found out about it. The swimming pond was pretty awesome. The temperature was GREAT... like bath water warm! I definitely didn't mind swimming in that at all! I have to admit, I was slightly apprehensive about swimming in the pond to begin with because I normally don't really care for that type of swimming. Give me a pool and I'll take it, a pond or lake with seaweed, um, no thanks! But this pond was virtually free of seaweed and actually it got pretty deep pretty fast so for the majority, I couldn't even feel the bottom (thank goodness for that)!

The best part was all of the inflatable toys they had for people to play on. I have to say that it was pretty busy for the majority of the time that we were swimming, but it wasn't overly crowded which was nice. Ayden just loved it and with his life jacket on, he had no fear whatsoever. Definitely not good that he is relying so much on the life jacket, but he is starting up swimming lessons again this week. He could probably jump in the deep water and doggie paddle himself over to the edge, but he definitely doesn't know how to swim very well yet... hence the swimming lessons. He will be taking those for years to come yet. Sorry buddy! Mommy had to and you'll have to. At least he loves the water.

He wasn't even scared to go down the huge water slide. He saw it, swam right over to it, climbed up and went down without ever looking back. I was afraid he would be nervous, but he was a little daredevil the whole weekend! On Friday night he ended up slicig his big toe open as we were coming out of the pond and although it wasn't a serious cut, I thought it might hamper him the rest of the weekend. Nope, he was right back in the pond later that night with Jay! His toe is looking much better by the way.

I ate my hearts desire out this weekend and I am probably going to pay for it when I step on the scale tomorrow. Oops! But tomorrow is a new day and it is back to eating healtier again. I needed this weekend to pig out and it felt oh so good. I cannot remember if I mentioned on here that I bought a new workout program. I started that on Thursday night and even worked out on Friday before we left for camping and used yesterday as my day off. I still plan on working out tonight. I didn't think I was going to be sore after just two workouts, but boy was I ever! Add that on top of the sunburn I got from the beach on Thursday and this weekend sucked for me pain wise. We were only at the beach for just about two hours on Thursday and I didn't put any sun screen on and I didn't think I would get burned too bad. I had really bad tan lines on my legs that I wanted to get rid of. Well, when we left the beach I didn't think I looked red at all. In the shower that night I realized just how much of a lobster I really was. It didn't really hurt too bad until Friday midday. My only reasoning for it hurting so bad was that those areas on me don't get sun like EVER! It made for climbing up on the swim toys pretty painful, but I survived. It doesn't hurt as bad today and I am not quite as sore muscle wise. I just moved a little slower this weekend than everyone else, haha! Not to mention my 'friend' decided to make her monthly visit begin on Thursday night. Camping with her is definitely no fun, haha! But I made due. Not that you were asking, lol!

It is back to the grind of my externship this week. I am actually looking forward to it. I had a very unproductive week with the hot weather and overall it just made me crabby and then I missed Stevens Point. I am still going through withdrawals. I'm wondering if they will ever go away.

I am having a Lia Sophia jewelry party this week and my classmate and friend, Katie, is planning on coming. I am excited to see her. We've talked and emailed a few times since we saw each other last, but we are both going through withdrawls. I could never imagine how close we would become when we were in undergraduate classes together and she was just another classmate. Without her support and craziness, there is NO way I would have ever made it though these last three years! We have definitely kept each other sane and going when times got hard! I hope that we continue to stay close even after we graduate.

And now that I am getting all sappy, I am going to end this before it becomes even more sappy!

I'll try and post some pictures from camping later this week!