Thursday, July 5, 2012


Hot does not begin to describe what I am feeling right now. I am trying SO hard not to complain about the heat because I know that things could be MUCH MUCH worse in my life and heat should be the least of my worries, but really, its been in the upper 90s this whole week with super high humidity and we do not have air conditioning in most of our house. Thankfully, we do have two window units to put in the bedrooms to keep those cooler at night time to sleep better. I could not imagine trying to sleep without those. So, like I said, things could be much much worse.

I have been meaning to blog a little more than I am (I am always meaning to blog a little more than I currently am), but the heat has left me with little to no ambition this week. I have had the majority of the week off from my clinical rotation. My supervisor took the week off and with no supervisor and no patients scheduled... that doesn't leave me anything to do. The small perk of being at a small private practice. Although, I do know that I will have to make up for those lost hours (not to worried about that).

However, with the heat, I haven't been motivated to do much. I was all set to post a lot of pictures with this post, but I accidently updated my computer and shut it off as I was trying to do something on it and then I didn't want to restart it because I had been on it doing homework for a while already. So, I grabbed my tablet and here I am... on the couch, in the heat, blogging without any pictures.

I did have clinic on Monday. On Tuesday, Ayden and I didn't do too much around the house. My bestie, Victoria, and her son, Parker, came over for a few hours in the afternoon and the boys played together while Victoria and I caught up. It is really nice to live in town with her again and to be able to do that on the spur of the moment. I've definitely missed her! After they left, we went out to my grandma and grandpa's for a fish fry supper that turned into a bon fire. We were out there until almost 10pm and would have been longer, except that I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes.

Ayden slept over at my dad's house Tuesday night and was there until after supper on Wednesday so that left me with the whole day free. Unfortunately, it was mega hot and humid yesterday so I wasn't in the best mood and ended up laying around, eating too much, and just flipping through the tv channels. Finally, before supper I thought I might be useful and ended up making my sister her Kindle cover and it turned out pretty awesome. I have to say that the sewing machine was much nicer to me this time around than it was when I was making mine. I like how it turned out and I hope that my sister does as well!

Today, I told Jay that after he got home from work that we were going to the beach. I was not going to be stuck in the house again all day long being hot and crabby. We headed out just before noon to the Point Beach State Forest on Lake Michigan and spent a few hours at the beach. It was SO beautiful there, not only picturesque wise, but weather wise. It was a full 20 degrees cooler by the lake than it was back at our house. I got a little sun burned, but it was worth a few comfortable hours on the beach. We didn't do much swimming because the lake was so cold, but it was definitely refreshing! And now we are back at the hot house, haha!

Last week I decided to order a new workout program. I love Turbo Fire a ton, but I wanted something that would give me more muscles and make me more lean, so I looked into Chalean Extreme. I loved Chalean so much in Turbo Fire that I just couldn't leave her. Well, my package arrived today and I couldn't not try it out already. So, in 100 degree heat, I busted out a 40 minute workout. Thankfully the workout was mainly lifting and not cardio. Either way though, I was literally dripping in sweat when I was done. Like, dripping more than I have ever been from a workout. The workout did not leave me huffing and puffing, but I do not think I was using heavy enough weights. The heat in our house definitely contributed to my dripping in sweat, but it felt good to workout again. Lately, the scale hasn't been too nice to me, but I know that it is my own fault for not watching what I am eating more closely and definitely not working out like I used to, so I am hoping with a combo of Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire, I can get into better shape. It isn't about the scale anymore (even though I still look at the numbers WAY more than I ought to), it is about how I look and feel to myself in my clothes. I KNOW I am 'skinny' enough, I don't need people to tell me that. Even skinny people can be out of shape. And I KNOW, I'll probably never been a size 0 or 2, or probably even a 4... my child bearing hips can only get so small, so it isn't even about a number on the clothes. It is just about being healthy for my family.

And because I am starting to feel the sweat rise to my skin... I am going to end this now and retreat to the comfort of my bedroom with hopes of getting a post in tomorrow with some pictures!