Tuesday, July 10, 2012

{to do list}

Time is becoming a limited commodity at our house, more specifically my time. And the to do list just keeps getting longer and longer. And all I want to do at the end of the day is crawl into bed, watch some TV, and go to sleep. Life sucks. Okay, so life doesn't really suck, but like almost everyone else I know, I wish there were more hours in the day or that I could function properly on fewer hours of sleep. I like my sleep and like to get at least eight or nine hours of sleep a night. I know, that doesn't always happen, but when it does, I am in a much better mood. For me to get nine hours of sleep a night, I would need to be in bed and sleeping by 9:00pm... that is just not very reasonable right now. I am usually in bed by 9pm (most nights), but I like to watch an hour of TV to just calm and and then fall asleep.

Yesterday, I left clinic at 4:00pm to go to an eye doctor appointment. I stopped at ShopKo and Piggly Wiggly on my way to the appointment to pick up a few things and by the time I was done at the eye doctor and got home, it was already 6:00pm. I picked up a little bit, put a few things away and then sat down at my computer to get some homework done. I was at my computer doing homework until probably 7:30pm at which point I made myself stop to get a few other things done. I put a few more things away and told myself that I was going to be in bed by 8:00pm because I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and I was up at 5:00am yesterday morning for boot camp. I think I turned the television off by 9:30pm and was fast asleep after that.

On the agenda for tonight (I'm writing this during my lunch break at clinic), is to finish editing a photo session from two weekends ago. I give myself two weeks to get the pictures done. I think that that is an okay amount of time, especially given the fact that I am now working full time. I would also like to upload some pictures to Facebook from camping and boating and need to organize a few things in the house for my Lia Sophia party on Thursday night. On top of that, there is more homework that I need to do (boo on that), clothes that should be folded and put away, a table runner that I want to sew before Thursday, and a workout that needs to be done. And... I probably won't get home until 5:30pm or later tonight... ugh. I know, I know, I need to stop complaining about how 'rough' my life is. But remember, my blog, hehe! Sometimes it just helps to get it out of my head.

Ayden and I are going to Bay Beach tomorrow with Jay's aunts and their children. I am excited, but there goes a full day where I could be productive at home doing stuff. In all actuality, the chances of me getting a ton of stuff done at home tomorrow is slim to none. Of course there is stuff that I would have gotten done, but I probably wouldn't have gone above and beyond.

Oh, and to add to the list of things that I want to do... make Ayden's birthday invitations, print off new pictures to put in some of our picture frames, get Jay to hang some more pictures on our walls, finish painting the deck table and chairs. It is never ending!

And nothing irritates me more when I get home and there is stuff laying all over the place. Stuff that I shouldn't have to be the one to put away. It is just so annoying! Why am I the only one who picks things up and puts them where they belong? Seriously! I asked Jay to pay some bills last night. What does he do... he writes the checks out for them and then leaves them on the counter. Really... how hard is it to put stamps on the envelopes and put them in the mailbox? How much longer would it have taken you to get that done? And how many nights in a row do I have to ask you to clean the litter box before it gets done? And is it so much for me to expect supper when I get home at 6:00pm at night and you have been home since 3:00pm (OR EARLIER)? I'm not talking supper every night, but just once in a while it would be nice to walk in the door to something to eat! It's not like we are getting home at the same time! Am I expecting too much?! I mean, even though I hate cooking, when we lived in Point and I was home most of the day during the summer and Jay didn't get home until 5:00pmish, I usually at least knew what we were going to be having and might already have had it started.

Maybe I'm just ultra irritable this week...