Tuesday, July 2, 2013

{a few days later}

As life continues to move forward right now, there isn't much new and exciting to report on. Everyone continues to be well in our household. (Knock on wood.)
I've kind of lost my luster for writing for the moment, which means few blog posts from me lately. I've been busy doing stuff away from the computer. Well, kind of away from the computer.
I've been doing quite a bit of things on the computer for the wedding. Speaking of the wedding, we are getting closer and closer! It probably won't hit me until we are on our honeymoon, lol! It would happen that way!
My mom came over this weekend and we were super productive for about 4-5 hours on wedding stuff and put a nice dent into things! SO thankful to have her help with everything! I told her that even though our wedding isn't going to be a five star black tie event, there are still things that I want done a certain way and I am pretty anal about it! Just ask her! It's pretty hilarious, yet not, at the same time! But everything is going to come together in the end and it is going to be great! I just know it! I know that all of the hard work, especially in the weeks leading up to the wedding, are going to be well worth it! In the mean time, I am going to do what I can to prepare for the big day and make sure that we have as much done before the wedding as possible.
My workouts have been kind of up and down lately. I usually do good for the first half of the week and then wane by the end of the week. Mondays and Wednesdays are usually pretty good for me. Sometimes Tuesdays and Thursdays, but lately, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, I've just be in a funk. I made up for it yesterday though. I hadn't done anything physically straining for four days and my mood was feeling it. So yesterday, while Ayden and I were starting the first of many mommy and Ayden days for the rest of the summer, we were active! We biked five miles at 9am. By 10:30am, we were at the pool with Victoria and Parker and swam for a good 45 minutes. Ayden had me running across the pool, hopping across the pool, jumping off the diving board. It was a good time! After that it was almost lunch time and then we folded and put away about two weeks worth of laundry before walking to the local bakery for a donut, and then taking the long way home. An hour or two of down time and then we called to see if Alexis wanted to practice riding her bike with us on the track. She is now riding my first 'gear' bike and is a little too short for it, so she has trouble when she stops. So, Alexis, Ayden, and I hit the track for some practice.
She does great at getting on and starting and going, so we would bike a mile, then practice stopping and getting off and taking a short break. Five miles later, we were all pooped! It was a great active day!
I also thought that maybe if I was more active during the day that I would sleep better at night because I have been sleeping like crap for the last week or so. I think my whole sleep schedule is a little off and it sucks. Doesn't make for good sleep, that is for sure! Then I drag throughout the day!
I have six days off in a row after today and they WILL include some kind of activity. Within the next six days I have planned a picnic/hike with Victoria and Parker, a movie date with them and Alexis as well, a 5k and fireworks on the 4th, a trip to the Milwaukee zoo, along with a few other things. It's going to be go go go, no sitting around and doing nothing. Haha!