Friday, July 19, 2013

{small victory}

{small victory}
In a week where the weather has been hellaciously hot, yes I used the made up work hellaciously, I managed to have a small victory this morning when I stepped on the scale and it was nice to me. I got to see (at least for one day) the number I've been striving for, despite knowing that the number that I have been at for the last couple of weeks is perfectly okay too. Why are we so hard on ourselves? Huh? Sucks monkey balls. But at least for the day I'll be happy. Haha! I'm okay with the other numbers, just happier today!
We do not have the pleasure of air conditioning at our house (except for the bedrooms where we only turn it on at night), so this week has been almost unbearable even just sitting and doing nothing. I hate humidity almost more than I hate winter. Almost! Because people, I seriously hate winter. Although, at least in the winter, I can be comfortable in the house with extra layers (because you know, I'm a thermostat nazi). In the heat and humidity, I can be in almost nothing and still crabby and cranky from the heat and sticky ickiness! It sucks, it really does! You want to do absolutely nothing when you are that hot. That hot that even sitting still means you have sweat rolling down your face. Ugh!
Workouts this week included a run on Monday night, a swim on Wednesday, and you know, that's about it. Just too hot to do anything else! And unfortunately, I don't have access to indoor air conditioned workouts. Take that back. My dad has a treadmill in his cool basement that I didn't even think about using to be honest.
However, to combat the heat, I have been guzzling water... and peeing like a who knows what, but having to use the bathroom like every 30 minutes. Ha! What else is new! I'm not drinking the 100+ ounces that I'd (at some point) like to be; however, I am drinking about 75 ounces her day and they say you should be drinking at least half your body weight in water per day and I'm over that. I think the water consumption has definitely helped me this week.
We have another busy weekend on tap. Looking forward to some cooler weather and possibly some runs outside in the non-humidity! Probably some swimming in there somewhere too, along with some probably not so healthy food choices, although going to try my best to keep it semi healthy! Here's to a fun weekend with the family!