Friday, May 30, 2014

{back to work}

I'm sitting here in the glider in Xander's room listening to him smack his lips in his crib just chilling out. It is relaxing. And I'm giving all this up to go back to work on Monday. Why oh why?! Actually, as I've probably said before, I enjoy my job so I'm not completely heartbroken about having to leave my sweet baby boy. Honestly, I visited work this past week (I was missing my coworkers, they really are like family to me) and had a look at my schedule for Monday and I am excited about getting back to it. Of course I am going to miss Xander. I miss Ayden like crazy when I'm at work and have missed him like crazy while he has been in school these last weeks and I've been home. Ayden and I will always have that extra special mommy and son bond... Simply because he had been my only child for nine years. Unfortunately, I have to now give my sons the same line that my mom gives me 'you are one of my favorite children' or 'you know I love you all equally'. Let's face it, that may be true in the case of me to my kids, but we all know I'm my mom's favorite no matter what she says, haha!

I've definitely enjoyed being home after having Xander, but it's time to get back to our reality and I think we are all kind of looking forward to it. 

The tiny man has been very good to mommy the last two nights sleeping for about a six to seven hour stretch. Mommy is happy. We did take a step back from the crib transition though. It was pretty warm here last week/beginning of the week and we only have two window AC units. One for our bedroom and one for Ayden's bedroom. Because we had one night before they were put in that it was warm and both mommy and Xander slept like crap... Daddy installed them and the next night instead of having Xander in his hot room and crib, we brought him back to our room and put him in the pack and play. That was an okay night. The night after it cooled down a bit and he was back in the crib. Once again, it was an okay night. Momma was getting tired of just okay nights, so on Wednesday, I brought him back into our room, swaddled him up (it had gotten cooler again) and hoped for the best. Needless to say, I was surprised when I was first being woken up at almost 3am! I thought it might be a fluke, but he did it again last night. We'll make the transition back to the crib at some point, but with me going back to work this week, I'm going to try and get as much sleep as I can! Yeah Xander!

I had my post partum doctors visit today and everything looks good! I got the okay to start working out again, although I have been kind of running for the past two weeks and just this week started a program called T25. It is a beach body program and I just finished Day 2 today. The best part is that the workouts are only 25 minutes long. The two that I have done so far have literally kicked my ass, but everyne has 25 minutes to spare! I've done other beach body programs... Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme and have loved them both and will incorporate both of them into my cross training for my Dopey Challenge in January. It just feels so good to feel like me again. As I've probably said a dozen times now. What can I say, it was a long few months where I really didn't feel like me. 

These next couple of weekends are going to go by super fast because we are booked to the gills with graduation parties, soccer games, rummage sales, Father's Day, and anything else we can seem to fit in! Before I know it, the month of June is going to be over and it didn't even start yet! Goodness! 

And, now tiny man is starting to fuss so that is my cue to end this!