Friday, April 9, 2010

Got me some better eyes!

I had a visit, well made an appointment, with the eye doctor yesterday. My eyes are BAD! I’ve had glasses since I was THREE! Some pretty UGLY glasses if I don’t say so myself. I’m sure my mom has a pair or two kept in a drawer somewhere, you know as a memento of some sort. Well, maybe?!

I haven’t had my eyes checked in about three or four years and I know that they’ve gotten a lot worse since then. I had contacts in high school, but I don’t think I was ready for them at that point in time because I didn’t wear them all that often and at that point they were more trouble than good for me (even though I could see better with them in).

I figured that when I couldn’t read the guide on the TV from the couch without my current glasses that I should probably go in and see how bad they were. And, I thought it was maybe time to try contacts again. I’d really like to be able to see ALL the time now. I don’t know what sightedness I have… which ever one means that I can’t see far away because that’s what I can’t see, lol!

The eye doctor hooked me up with a trial pair of contacts, you know, after doing the whole puff of air in your eyes, the which one is better, number one or two, and can you read the letters to me tests. I was pretty apprehensive about putting the contacts in while I was at the doctor. The very first time I put contacts in all those years ago, it took me over an HOUR! Just what I wanted, to sit at the eye doctor for an hour trying to put contacts in. Wouldn’t you know, it took me all of five minutes to get the contacts in, if that! It was crazy! I for sure thought it was a fluke!

The only sucky thing about the appointment was, since it was my first visit with the eye doctor, he dilated my eyes. I’m not exactly sure why since all he did after he did that was look to see how the contacts were fitting and have me look in different directions. Maybe that was why he did it. In any case, having that done, if any of you have had it done, totally screws your up close vision. I couldn’t see anything up close, it was all super blurry! And then I had to go pick out a pair of glasses. Hard to discern between which glasses you like better when you can’t really see them up close. In any case, I only had a few selections that my insurance covered and couldn’t really afford to pay for my own frames, so it didn’t take too long. I found a cute pair that I liked out of the selection I had and I’m excited about them!

Oh wait, the other sucky thing is the fact that the eye doctor said with the way my eyes are or the muscles in my eyes, not exactly sure which it is, but anyways, he said that I would probably see better up close without my glasses or contacts. What?! I use most of my eye sight for close. What is the point of wearing the contacts all day to see far away when most of what I’m looking at during the day is the computer or books right in front of me? So, I wore my contacts today (got them really easily again this morning), and for the most part the up closeness was okay. I think if I am going to sit down and read a book for a long time, then I’d take them out, but it is definitely nice to be able to see far away clearly. I’m excited for my glasses to come in, since they said it would probably take a week, and try them out! My current ones are too tight on my head and give me a headache behind my ears when I wear them too long, sort of like when you wear a headband all day (or at least they do that to me, the hard plastic ones anyways). I’ll definitely take a picture when they come in! I think they suit my complexion and hair color more than the black ones I currently have, although I totally dug the look of the black ones too!

My day was pretty laid back. I got to sleep in since my morning lab was cancelled. Lounged around the house for a little while after Ayden got on the bus and then headed off to work to finish up the packets I have been working on and then went to my afternoon lab which I found was going to be cut short since we didn’t actually have access to the lab assignment. Our professor didn’t either (since the Madison professor made it), so he just lectured about the topic for a little bit and we worked with the equipment a little bit and then I headed on home.

The weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend. I’m hoping that we can get outside to clean and organize the garage a little bit. It is pretty disorganized from the winter and I’m all about making it cohesive, hehe! Jay is working on getting the lawn all prettified again. He told me today that in another year or so our lawn will be perfect. I told him that is all nice, but by that time we’ll be thinking about moving out again! He also told me that he gave our neighbors (the ones living on the other side of the duplex) permission to use our clothes line this summer. The backyard is technically ours. I don’t have a problem with that, just so long as it doesn’t cut into when I’m trying to do laundry. Yes, I know that might be kind of selfish, but since it’s ‘our’ backyard and ‘our’ clothes line, I shouldn’t have to schedule our laundry time around when they are doing theirs. Okay, so our neighbors are really super nice (at least the one guy and girl, we haven’t really gotten to know the other guy), and so on the whole I’m okay with it.

And since the weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend, might just be a weekend to head over to one of my favorite photography spots here in Point and take some pictures. Maybe I can bribe Ayden to come along, hehe!

On Monday, my friends and I are having another girls night! This time we decided to keep it at home and grill out. One of my friends offered to have it at her place since she lives right next to a little park for the kids to play on. I’m really hoping that the weather holds out! Oh… and one of my friends that is coming is the one having twins this summer and she found today she is having two girls! She knew they were identical already, and today was her ‘big’ ultrasound! I’m so excited for her! She has her little boy, and now will get her girls, because more likely than not these will be her last babies. And photographing little girls is SO much fun! I’m thinking about trying to make her some cute headbands this weekend as a gift. Or at least I might try to make some and see how they turn out! If they turn out pretty bad, then I’ll just have to find an etsy shop that sells some of those super cute ones because I’ve already found my share fair!

I’ve probably gained a million pounds in the last week with all of the chocolate that I’ve been eating. UGH! And my best friend is supposed to be making an appearance in the next few days so I’m feeling especially bloated since that always happen around this time. Just makes me feel wonderful, oh and you’ll deal with knowing this information even if you didn’t want to, lol! Especially a few days before my trip, ugh, perfect timing, right?!

I need to start packing for my trip this weekend. Want to make sure that I am bringing everything that I should.

Monday and Tuesday should be pretty easy. Class and a meeting on Monday. And then clinic Tuesday morning. I have a re-eval with a possible hearing aid consult. Should be pretty easy since the person has had their hearing tested quite a few times at our clinic. They are interested in hearing aids this time around and has already had them so they are familiar with that too. And then I have three hearing aid checks all of which seem that they will be easy. One is only because the warranty is expiring soon so we run a test to make sure the hearing aids are doing what the manufacturers say they should be and if not, we send them to get fixed and if so, send the patient home happy. The other two should be easy as well, at least from what I read in the files as to why they are coming back in. Kind of excited for them.

Okay, so I was doing a bit of facebook stalking and totally just stumbled upon something I really didn’t want to know. UGH! Talk about ruining my night! I know what I found out shouldn’t bother me, and really the fact that it exists doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that I found out the way I did. Honestly, did the person not think I would ever find out? And this happened quite a few months ago! And after everything that transpired in the past, seriously, UGH! Okay, I know that I’m totally not really telling you anything here but because I don’t know who all reads my blog (be rest assured that those of you who I do know read my blog, this doesn’t have to do with you), but I don’t keep track of everyone and well, at this point, I just need to get it out. At some point, I may or may not confront said person(s) I’m referring to, but I’m just trying to digest this now. And this isn’t the first time in the last week or so that I’ve been sort of blindsided by an uncomfortable situation. Maybe more on this later, but I don’t know…