Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life Continues

It’s Tuesday, and Tuesdays are my clinic days (clinic mornings to be exact), and this morning was shaping up to be a busy clinic morning. No problems, I was ready for it, didn’t seem like there was going to be anything too major going on. But, you know, when you have everything planned out to a ‘T’, things are bound to go haywire, right?

Ayden didn’t have school today… it was kindergarten screening so only the kindergarteners had off, and you know what, because it wasn’t on the school calendar, Ayden didn’t get signed up to go to the Y for today (actually I don’t even think they had it as an option since only the kindergarteners were off) and that left Jay and myself with no babysitter for him while we had school.

Unfortunately, Jay had to miss his one class this morning because I had clinic and well missing clinic in anything but an emergency is not a good thing. Can I use no babysitter as an excuse?! Lol! Anyways, Jay only had a review in his class so he said it wasn’t anything major, but I still felt bad that he had to miss his class. I’m sure he was totally fine with it though.

My morning started off good. I had to hearing evaluations and it was a husband and wife couple. I got done an hour before my next (and last) appointment of the morning because the couple ended up with good results and didn’t need the consult they had also scheduled. This was good, it meant that my reports would be short and I could get them written before my next appointment.

The plan was that Jay would bring Ayden into school by me when I was done with clinic for the morning and he would spend the afternoon on campus with me while Jay went off to work. Normally I get done with clinic at noon (or am supposed to) and I told Jay that he shouldn’t leave the house any earlier than 12:10-12:15 so he would get to campus just before 12:30… just in case my last appointment ran long… you know…

I wasn’t planning on my last appointment running long, it wasn’t supposed to take maybe 15 minutes. I had to run a quick test on the patient’s hearing aids and we could give them back and/or send them in if need be. Well… said patient was running late and then I had to work with hearing aids that I haven’t before and a program I haven’t before and had no idea what to do and my supervisor wasn’t really helping me any (oh I know, the whole spread your wings thing and learn, but seriously, I just wanted her to tell me what buttons to push so we could get this appointment over with).

Turns out we have to send both hearing aids in because they are not up to manufacturers specifications, but are only going to send one in at time. And then it just seemed like my supervisor was dragging out the appointment and the patient didn’t really want to hurry out and it’s already almost 12:45… 45 minutes AFTER I am supposed to be done! And then I STILL have to get this hearing aid boxed up and write the summary and fill out some forms and Jay and Ayden are waiting patiently at my desk for me, you know, after I said I would totally be done by the time they got there.

I ‘grabbed’ Ayden from Jay so he could leave for work and had Ayden follow me around while I tried to finish up some of the stuff that I needed to before the afternoon clinic slot started and I couldn’t access the lab until 3pm… unfortunately that didn’t happen so Ayden and I went off to work for a little bit so I could finish up some things there. Ayden was an angel while I was doing some work. He drew some pictures for me and didn’t complain at all. After that, it was back to the clinic where I finished up my summary (of which I sort of just slopped together- definitely not my best one to date), called the hearing aid company regarding a few things, and hopefully filled out everything correctly on the hearing aid repair form that I sent in. And then Ayden and I left for the afternoon and I kept my fingers crossed that I wouldn’t get called back in for a hearing aid repair since it was my day for hearing aid duty and we left just after 3pm and it goes until 4:30pm. Thankfully we were not called back and by we, I mean, Ayden would have had to come back with me since it is almost 7pm and Jay is still not home from work. Making up hours that he won’t be able to work late on Thursday or Friday night because I will be gone.

After that we went to JCPenney’s because it is going out of business here in Point and I wanted to see if they had anything cute on sale. Oh, they have sales all right, but I really didn’t find anything that I wanted that bad, especially since they didn’t have the mega sales going on just yet. Then it was off to Maurice’s because they had a really cute dress on their website that I found last night that I wanted to get for a wedding Jay and I will be going to in a few weeks. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any in my size left, but they were having some good sales too and I left with two cute shirts. Shirts that are dressy enough for clinic and chic enough to wear with a pair of dressier jeans too… love ‘em and will be wearing both of them later this week!

It was too bad that I didn’t find any dresses at Maurice’s, however I got some coupons in the mail for Kohls and they had some pretty cute dresses on their website so I will be off to that store sometime this week to see if I can find anything that I like. I also want to get a dress for Jay’s graduation party… nothing too fancy, but figured something spring/summery like would be cute… maybe?! I’m not a super big dress person, but you never know when you find the right dress. And then maybe I can wear it again for my brother’s graduation party (or get another all together for his, hehe)!

By the time we got home I felt a little more relaxed, but for a moment there this afternoon I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack because I had so much to do and remember and I felt like I wasn’t getting any of it done.

My first class is cancelled tomorrow and I was all ready to sleep in for the day, however I will be headed in at 8am (even though class doesn’t start until 10:30 because we have a lab that we need to do which is really sort of a bummer, but we thought since we had the time we should really get it done). And… I really need to work on what I am going to be saying for my presentation because well, ugh, I still don’t know. I think I have most of the powerpoint finished… maybe just a few changes here or there, but nothing major. I will be happy to just it done with!

Because let me tell you… once this semester is over with… Ashley will be reading reading reading and reading for the four-five weeks she has off before her summer semester starts. I can’t believe that I am almost done with my first year of graduate school! OMG!



amanda said...

reading will be so fun all summer. :0) my cousin's wife emailed me asking me about prices etc for the wedding. what do you think? i told her i had to talk to you and we'd figure it out. sorry to leave a comment here about it, it's just easier for me when i'm thinking about it to just do it! lol.