Sunday, April 18, 2010

San Diego Pictures!

Here are a few (or more than a few) pictures of my recent trip to San Diego to tide all those who happen upon my blog over until I have more than just a few minutes to sit down and get a post out on how awesome the trip actually was!!! Enjoy!IMG_5254Just outside of the convention center! Audiology NOW!!! Rocked in San Diego for 2010! Chicago 2011 here we come!IMG_5258Artwork just outside of the convention center, San Diego had some awesome artwork on their streets! I loved it, especially this piece!IMG_5262Palm trees lined the streets! Miss them already! Couldn’t leave without taking some pictures of them!IMG_5265Across from the convention center was a main part of downtown San Diego, I can’t say ‘the main’ part because San Diego is really big and I’m sure there are other parts, but this was definitely a well known part, right next to the baseball stadium!IMG_5274 A big ship coming into the bay!IMG_5282Only a SMALL part of the convention with two high rises behind it… apartments I’m assuming? Or office buildings? Don’t really know other than they looked cool in this picture!IMG_5293Picture of San Diego bay!IMG_5296Heading into Seaport Village! Lots of cute little shops in which I was good and didn’t buy anything, although I very well could have!IMG_5299IMG_5300IMG_5312 IMG_5325 IMG_5328IMG_5335My favorite flower that I saw while we were there… I think its called bird of paradise?!IMG_5340IMG_5360Maritime museum… wanted to go on this boat SO bad, but didn’t have time!IMG_5367 Downtown San Diego at night!IMG_5377One of the Beach Boys!!! You’ll have to excuse the fact that I don’t know their names, but we got to see them for free and it was great! More about that later!