be on my way, or already landed in San Diego… in the mean time, I’ll catch you up to date on how our Easter went!
We headed out nice and early on Saturday morning and ended up getting to my mom’s house right around 10am! Seriously, I had to get up WAY too early on a Saturday morning to make it from my house to my mom’s by 10am! But we had a great weekend at ‘home’ visiting with our family and coloring Easter eggs, and doing Easter egg hunts, and eating lots and lots of candy, and playing with cousins! Hmmm… I wonder what color it will be?! This is the third year in a row that we have colored Easter eggs at my mom’s house. (And upon trying to hunt up some pictures that I took during Easter last year, well I couldn’t find any, oops!)
Auntie Emmy and Ayden having quite the conversation… ‘What’s that Emmy, you mean I can’t write Mommy on all of the Easter eggs? But she’s the BEST!’ Hehe!
I don’t think my sister knows how to take a ‘bad’ picture because like every picture I take of her turns are pretty darn good!
After chillin’ at my mom’s house for the majority of the day and early afternoon, we headed off to my dad’s house for the rest of the day. We hadn’t originally planned on it, but Alexis wanted to do another Easter egg hunt with Ayden like we did last year. So, Emily, Ayden, and I ran to Walmart quickly and got some candy and cheap eggs (since Emily needed some for a school project) and proceeded to my dad’s house for an egg hunt. We hid some outside and some inside and because we (Emily and I) are so cool, we remembered EVERY spot where we hid the eggs outside and we didn’t end up missing one at the end of the hunt! Or did we?! Lol! Oops again!
And they’re off! How many eggs can you find before the ones who hid them no longer remember where they all are?! Ayden and Alexis played together for the majority of the afternoon while I relaxed and watched them have fun together!
We ended up getting back to Jay’s parents (well first arriving since we hadn’t stopped earlier in the day) around 8ish and then we watched Blindside with them. It was a pretty good movie, for missing the first half hour. Ayden went to bed later than normal and was up earlier than normal too! How does that happen?!
After another day visiting with family, we ended up getting home around 9:30pm Sunday night… MUCH later than I had originally wanted too, but we had such a good day that it was okay. I am really loving this age that Ayden is at! He is old enough to go and play with his cousins and I don’t need to keep an eye on him every second of it! Although, I still think that I am a little more protective than some of my aunts and uncles, but they all have multiple kids. I probably checked on Ayden more than anyone else checked on their kids, but I still wanted to make sure that whatever he was doing, he was being safe. He ended up getting one small cut, but no tears, a quick Band-Aid and he was off to play some more. Given some of what I know the kids were doing, I’m happy he didn’t get even more hurt.
And now… I must go work on the project I’ve been putting off all week!
i will totally hop on the plane with you!! :0)
and i emailed my cousin about their 'wedding' so i'll let you know some details when i do.
and i'm excited about our 'jobs'.
i still have to email judi. some day life will calm down...right?!
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