Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I set out to make a goal last week of getting under 120 lbs before our
pictures on Saturday night (or maybe it was by Friday- because Jay keeps telling me that is what I said), but in any case, I made my goal. I was 119.8 lbs by the time our appointment time came around for our family pictures Saturday night and I was 119.0 lbs when I woke up Sunday morning. I was STOKED! When I started my weight loss goal, I had originally wanted to get down to about 120/115 lbs. I knew that 120 was more manageable and would probably be easier, but now I can't help keeping that maybe I could make it to 115 as well. I know that it should be more about fitness and not about the number on the scale, but I can't help but want to see that low number. I am to a point where I am feeling pretty good about my body right now. My pants are fitting a lot looser on me and so I know that I have lost inches. That makes me feel great! I've been more and more of a slacker though when it comes to working out. I've made some bad choices this past week and instead of working out to lose the extra pound or two that I wanted, I just ate less. No, I didn't starve myself not eating anything throughout the day, but I know that I was depriving myself of calories that I needed. I need to make a better effort to not do that and to instead work out. That is my goal now... to maintain my current weight (or maybe try and make to down to 115 lbs in a healthy way) and to continue to whip my butt into shape!

What is even better is that I've motivated Jay to get into better shape
and lose weight as well. I know that I've said that before, but now he
has extra motivation sitting in our closet at home that he cannot use
until he hits his goal weight. And believe me... that has been the best
motivator so far by a lot! He is already down almost 20 lbs which is
AWESOME! And better yet, people are starting to notice and comment on it and I know that that is making him feel good! He has started taking
nightly bike rides, going about 10 miles around town on the Green Circle
Trail we have. The trail is about 30 some odd miles around Point that
cuts through the woods, along the river, and just pretty much ALL over
the city. Last night Ayden and I biked with him for 2.5 miles on the
trail and then turned around and biked home. So Jay got in his 10 mile
bike ride and Ayden and I got in a good 5 mile bike ride. It felt good,
although I would have liked to continue on with Jay, but I knew that
there was NO way that Ayden was going to make 10 miles. He was tired
enough after just 5 miles. So much so that when he laid down in the
bedroom with Jay to watch some TV at about 7pm last night he lasted for just about 5 minutes before falling asleep.

We had some super gorgeous weather this past weekend! Too bad it isn't always that nice out, haha! Actually, I got called by Ayden's school
early Friday afternoon saying that he wasn't feeling very well.
Thankfully it was right after seeing my last patient at clinic (because
I am only at clinic for half days on Fridays) and I could pretty much up
and leave right away to go and get him. He was pretty lethargic and had
a fever all of Friday afternoon. I wasn't able to go into work like I
normally do on Friday afternoons, but I was able to get the work done
that I needed to at home which was nice. Ayden felt better on Saturday
and Sunday when he was drugged up, but he also got a sore throat and
runny nose. I wasn't so sure I was going to send him to school
yesterday, but we did and he was fine all day yesterday. That, and they
were going bowling and I didn't want him to miss out on that if he was
feeling at least most of the way okay. No phone calls and he said he was
fine all day!

On Sunday we had Jay's brother's high school graduation. It was okay as far as high school graduations go. His party isn't for another couple of
weeks so after the ceremony we met up with my best friend from high
school and went to the County Park in the area where I was going to take some anniversary pictures of her and her boyfriend. Apparently she
didn't really confess to her boyfriend that we were going to do this and
he got all pissy and the pictures never happened. If it were me and my
boyfriend, first off, I would have told him ahead of time and made sure
he understood what was going on, and secondly, I wouldn't have put up
with his pissyness. They rode to the park on motorcycles so she had her
own mode of transportation and I would have up and left. But oh well.
While we were there I got a bunch of cute pictures of Ayden playing in
the water and getting pretty much soaked before we were supposed to go out to eat at HuHot for supper. Jay wasn't too happy, lol, but I didn't
care at all. What is a little water?! Right!

So yeah, we had scrumptious HuHot for supper and we didn't even have to pay full price because I had found a gift card that still had some money on it in my wallet. Even better! It was delicious as always AND I had my first soda in over two months that night. It was like the waitress was out to sabotage me because after my first one she brought me another (free refill) and to make sure that I didn't knock it off of the table accidently, I moved it to the middle of the table so Ayden could have it if he happened to finish his soda. Apparently the waitress took that as I was giving the soda to him because he needed it because she came back with another full soda. We left with two full glasses of soda untouched on our table, lol! I was good and only had one soda and then had a glass of water. I wish I would have been hungry enough to go back up for a second plate, but I wasn't and I knew that I really didn't need it so I didn't. I was surprised that Jay only had one plate as well. One of the last times we were there I cut him off at three plates and he would still have gone back for a fourth if I would have let him.

We don't have any plans for this weekend... it's called sleep in
Saturday because Ayden is now down with soccer and then pick up the
house! My house is such a mess right now! I have laundry that needs to
be folded and put away SO bad and laundry that needs to be done period! Ayden's room has clothes strewn all about that I need to de-tag (since we replenished his summer shorts supply, I mean, he only had three pair that fit him) and put away. There are a few other things I need to organize in his room as well. The carpets need a good vacuuming in all of the rooms and the bathroom could use a good scrub down BAD (especially the bathtub)! And the kitchen is a MESS of dirty dishes, although Jay says that he is going to take care of that tonight... we'll see!

My online summer class starts next Monday. I am hoping that it is as
easy that the fourth years were saying that it is. I am not ready to
have any deadlines again. That also means I should register for the
other summer class that I need to take and get started on that, but I
was really waiting for my clinical placement to be over. When I get home at the end of the day from clinic all I really want to do is spend time with my boys. Yesterday it was grocery shopping together and then a bike ride before supper around 7pm... I hardly ever feel like going on the computer anymore (thus my lack of blogging... btw, I'm currently blogging during my lunch break at clinic, but won't post this until I get home tonight... hopefully anyways) and anything school related is SO far from my mind. Like emailing my professor to see if I will need to purchase a book for his class. I meant to do it last week, but probably won't until tonight, if I can remember.

I have the rest of this week for clinic... next week... and then two
days the following week and I will be done. I am really looking forward
to it. I like clinic well enough. I love my patients, I love what I'm
doing, but as I've said before, I am SO ready for summer!
Ayden's last day of school is tomorrow! That means we are just one step closer to summer my dear friends! YES! And the weather these last two days has been gorgeous! What I wouldn't give to have today off and the pool to be open and to take Ayden swimming! I love to go swimming with him on super hot days like today. He is such a fish when it comes to the water!

Okay, back to clinic work... I have a few hearing aids that need to be
programmed before I fit them on patients this afternoon and I have a few notes that I need to finish up as well. Working during the lunch hour... what kind of person am I?! The smart one, that's right! Better to get it done now than have to do it after my last patient of the day and stay here even longer, isn't that right?! I do have to say that my supervisor is notorious for scheduling patients after hours and then letting me know that I don't have to stay, but saying if I could that would be great as well. I'm not a good student when it comes to that because I don't stay. I want to tell her, you are getting paid overtime to stay and work with these patients, I'm not. I have a family to go home to and you don't... I wonder why I don't stay late. I'm sure that once I'm an audiologist getting paid that I will probably squeeze patients in when I can after hours if allowed by wherever I end up working, but really, I'm looking for that 9-5pm job where it stops at 5pm and I don't have to worry about it until I come in the next day. Now I know that that isn't always going to happen, but for the majority of the time. My job is my job... I love audiology don't get me wrong, but it's the money maker, the provider. My top priority is my family!

Now... back to clinic work, haha!