Monday, June 13, 2011

One way or the other...

Here are just a few pictures from our weekend at home chilling and relaxing…IMG_6904IMG_6909IMG_6923IMG_6936IMG_6940IMG_6948IMG_6960IMG_6962 copyIMG_6973IMG_6994IMG_6995IMG_6996IMG_6998Lately it seems like life is one way or the other... super busy or super
slow... Can't have it in between, can we? I fly through the week at
clinic and then either fly through the weekend or drag through the
weekend. Today starts my last full week of clinic and I'm actually work
this Saturday. Who would have thought?! Me volunteer to work on a
Saturday? You know why? Because it gets me done one day sooner. If I
work this Saturday, it means my last day of clinic is next Tuesday and
then I get to go back to work on Wednesday! Believe it or not, I
actually miss going to work every day. Ha! But the thing is, I am only
working two or three hours a day. Just enough to keep my boss from going crazy and I enjoy being around the people there so it works.

This weekend was one of those drag by weekends. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the fact that it was a weekend because that meant I was entitled to be a little lazy, but dare I say it was just a little boring as well. We didn't get as much cleaning done as I would have liked. I picked up both bedrooms, but I didn't vacuum them like I had intended. I did the laundry... well washed all of it Friday and then just had to fold and put it away over the weekend. I got the folding part done and most of the putting away, but not all of it. Jay started to clean the bathroom
on Friday. He got the vanity and mirrors clean, but the shower, toilet,
and floor never got touched... neither did the downstairs bathroom or
the cat litter (and I only reminded him about six gajillion times over
the weekend). He did clean up the mess in the kitchen, but it is already
back to its state of disarray. I managed to take out the garbage and
recycling around the house and sweep the kitchen floor. So overall it
wasn't super unsuccessful, but we definitely didn't get a super cleaning
done like I had originally intended. We all just got lazy, haha!

Because of the rainy weather on Friday, Jay ended up going into work on Saturday for the majority of the day and the ironic thing is that his
boss is going to have to pay overtime for his last week of work. While
Jay was gone working, Ayden and I went to Jordan Park and had an
adventure. It was a fun time! We spent about a hour and a half there
making our way across the rocks on the water trying to get as far as we
could. Given that we were jumping over some fast moving water (albeit
super shallow in most parts) neither of us got our feet wet until right
as we were leaving (and I was even picking my way across the rocks
carrying my camera)! I had to help Ayden across a lot of the rocks so
that he wouldn't fall in and of course on one of the very last rocks he
needed help with, my foot slipped off and right into the water!
Thankfully only the front half of my shoe went in and it didn't get
soaked. I wore tennis shoes instead of sandals because they had a lot
better grip on them and I didn't need to be as careful jumping from rock
to rock. It was a lot of fun!

So much so that Ayden ended up taking a pretty good nap Saturday
afternoon while I watched some TV and then ended up snoozing a little
bit with him!

Sunday started off well enough. Jay ended up going to the emergency room because of a bump/swelling on his forearm. His arm had started to hurt him late Friday night and it only got worse through Saturday and by Saturday night you could see a swollen spot on it even after he iced it. He decided to go in before it got worse and he had to take time off of
work to so see a doctor (especially since he is starting his new job
today, he didn't want to do that). Turns out he has tendonitis in his
left wrist that could turn into carpal tunnel. He has to wear a brace
for the next week and go see an orthopedic surgeon to see if he needs
physical therapy after this week is up to keep it from happening again.
So, he had to go into work today with a brace on, hehe!

We all went to Jordan Park again on Sunday for about an hour and walked around and then the rest of the afternoon as spent at home vegging in front of the TV and playing with toys. It was the grand lazy end to our weekend! I printed off a few pictures, started a letter to a friend, continuously switched the channels on the television (because nothing was on), and ate too much... I have a habit of doing that on the
weekends. Although, I have to say, both Saturday and Sunday morning I weighed in at less than 120 lbs so that was great... especially since I
didn't work out once this past week. I know, I've let myself go on that!
I'm going to try and turn that around this week. I'm going to see if I
can get some new wheels for my rollerblades so I can start rollerblading
again. I would really like to do that again because I enjoy it, but the
wheels (or the bearings, because Jay seems to think it is probably the
bearings) suck on my rollerblades right now. We'll see! I'm hoping to
find some halfway cheap wheels that I can switch out my old ones for and start going on a more frequent basis, especially since we have that nice paved trail right near our house!

I'm thinking my blog needs a makeover, but I haven't been ambitious
enough to sit down and create something new. We got our family pictures back and I want to incorporate those into the new makeover somehow, but I haven't figured it out yet. Speaking of our family pictures... I was all set on getting a photo book printed up of some of them because they turned out so great, but when I went to go upload the pictures, my computer told me that it was going to take four hours to upload the amount that I wanted. NO way! Instead of sitting around and waiting for that, I decided that maybe it is time to wake up my scrapbooking gene again and make a scrapbook out of the pictures instead. I want to get started right away, but unfortunately, my printer ran out of ink so I need to get some more of that and I need to purchase a few things for the scrapbook as well. Maybe I will do that tonight after I pick Ayden up... who knows?! (My first patient of the day was cancelled so, I'm writing this waiting to be paged saying that my second patient has arrived, but it won't be posted until tonight.)

I recently ordered a reflector to use when I am taking pictures for
people now. I am anxiously awaiting it to arrive so I can practice with
it. I have only the slightest little bit of an idea of how to use it.
Maybe I should google some good tutorials on how to I can make the best use out of it. I don't take a lot of pictures for people, but I have a
few shoots coming up this summer where I think it might come in handy to use. In fact, I have one coming up this weekend for a friend that I would like to try it out on (I'm just hoping that the weather holds out for us and we can actually get some pictures outside). Along with her shoot, I have another one coming up the following weekend and one more at the beginning of August for sure. Then possibly two or three more at the beginning of fall. I'm pretty excited about it because I love taking pictures and adding in a new gadget to play with, makes me even more excited!

I finished book three of the 17 book series that I wanted to read. I
think I've given up on them though. The first three were pretty good.
Not great by any means of the imagination... and I don't think that I
can read 14 more books that all have the same kind of plot in them. I
think it would just get too boring for me. I'm looking for some more
good books though... maybe I will have to peruse Target's book section
because they always seem to have some good books out. I usually take a picture of them with my cell phone and then look them up later on my
Kindle so I can get them cheaper and not actually have to carry around
the book. I might need to do that for next week.

Next week Ayden will be gone the whole week. I might have mentioned that one of my aunts is hosting a 'summer camp' for all of the cousins to
come. Thankfully she is the aunt that lives closest to us in Point... in
fact its less than a half hour drive to her place from our house
(although more than an hour for everyone else, hehe, at least I have one
perk of living so far away from my family for the time being). Anyways,
she is hosting all of the cousins for a week and has a ton of fun
activities planned for them. Best part... my sister is going for the
week because she is 'nannying' for some of my other cousins and their
mom wants my sister to go along to help keep the kids in control. If my
sister is there for the whole week, I know that Ayden will stay the
whole week. That means... a whole week to myself! (Well minus clinic
Monday and Tuesday and work in the morning Wednesday thru Friday). A few good books, scrapbooking, and maybe even... A NAP OR TWO!

So, get this. This past weekend there was a family graduation party
going on for some cousin's on my dad's side. It was back 'home' so we
had decided not to go because gas is expensive, driving takes forever,
and we just wanted to stay home and relax. My sister had asked me on
facebook if we were going or not and I had messaged her back that we
weren't. This is where facebook got me into 'trouble'. In that message
(it wasn't private) I told her that we never got an invitation for the
party and were probably included on dad's invitation and he never
bothered to call and let us know. Now, that isn't the reason we weren't
going at all (although it would have been nice to get an invitation),
like I said, we just wanted to stay home and relax. I've come to realize
that although Jay and I have been living in Stevens Point for the last
SIX years, often times we are still included on our parent's
invitations. I KNEW we were invited to the graduation party, I even knew where it was. I had talked with my aunts who were throwing the party back at Easter time. I just wish that if it was a big family event,
especially for those closely related, that we would get our own
invitation. IE: cousins getting married, grandparents anniversary party,
etc. If it's a family friend inviting the family to a grad party or
whatever, sure, invite us on our parents invitation if you want us
there, then I don't care because I'm probably not close to you to begin

Anyways, one of my aunts called me today (it's afternoon time now) to
apologize for not sending us an invitation because another aunt saw my
comment on facebook and passed it along. She felt really bad about not
getting us an invitation because of course we were invited, but somehow
it got missed. Now, I wasn't upset or anything in the first place about
it. Hadn't even expended that much effort thinking about it. But it was
really sweet and heartfelt that my aunt would take the time out of her
day to call me and apologize, even over something so trivial that I
didn't even care about in the first place. It has made my day so far!

Okay, so this post is long enough without me rambling on even more... I
think I will end it now.