Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Um… spray tan in a bottle?!

I want to be tan… like all over with no tan lines… But I’m too cheap to go tanning at a salon, too lazy to go tanning at a salon, and too cheap and lazy to even get a spray tan from a salon. Maybe I shouldn’t be too cheap or lazy anymore, haha!

While perusing the Bath and Body Works store the other day I came across a spray tan in a bottle that claimed to leave you streak free and would spray at any angle. This had to be good, right?! It wouldn’t turn my hands orange because I didn’t have to touch it. I could hold the bottle upside down if I needed to to reach all parts of my body. And it was pretty reasonably priced.

Well… I won’t be using it again anytime soon, that’s for sure. I am only slightly embarrassed to say that I am a streaky splotchy spray tan mess (albeit not too orange). I suppose that it would have turned out better had I had Jay spray me instead of doing it myself. My legs ended up the darkest, I have streaks on my arms, and splotches on my back where I thought I got everything but apparently didn’t. It’s pretty funny, rather funny actually. Jay laughed at me. I laughed at myself. At least it isn’t permanent and will start to wear away in a few days. I told Jay that next time he is going to spray me so it is all even.

Yes, you read that correctly, I am going to try again. I want that sunkissed looked and I paid for it, so why not, lol!

I’d post pictures of how funny I look right now, but I won’t. I’m not that brave.