My blogging has been pretty minimal lately and I hate it (even though I seem to be saying that at the beginning of each blog post and it hasn’t changed in the last month), but I really enjoy writing about what has been going on and posting pictures and so I am going to continue to blog, even if it is not as often as I would like to. Life gets into the way sometimes and it is better to live life than to sit in front of the computer all day long and lately I have been living life more than just sitting around on the computer and I am SO happy! Life is going really well for me (us) right now and I don’t want to miss a moment with my family and so the computer has taken a back seat. Lately if I have been going on the computer it is only for a little while for some homework (yes my summer class has started and I have a little bit of homework here and there).
My mom had come to visit for a few days this past week. It was really nice to have her visit for a couple of days and to just hang out. She was here from Monday thru Wednesday and although Ayden had summer school in the mornings and I worked for a couple of hours, we still had all afternoon to do stuff.
My lilies finally bloomed this past week as well, at least one of the three different kinds we have! I cannot wait for the rest of the colors to bloom and believe me, you will be graced with a TON more pictures!Here is Jordan Park when all of the dams were open and we couldn’t get onto any of the rocks! This just so happened to be during the day that I was going to take pictures there for a friend’s family. Normally where all of the water is rushing down from is dry and you can walk on it. Not this time! Thankfully I was still able to get some really neat pictures for my friend’s family, at least I think they turned out pretty well! Not my favorite photo shoot, but I was happy with at least most of the results.
Here is a different picture of the rocks on a different day. The rock in the background was completely submerged under water on the previous picture.
My mom and Ayden at Jordan Park!
Our four day weekend started off with a SUPER hot and humid Friday. Jay only worked a half day on Friday, but they started earlier in the morning so it was actually closer to a full day than half day other than they got done earlier. Ayden and I both slept in... it felt nice! I got the laundry all done and folded and put away on Friday which was actually a bigger deal than it sounds because there was A LOT from previous weeks that I hadn't finished folding and putting away (and unfortunately it's started all over because there are a lot that need to be washed now too, it's never ending, hehe).
After Jay got home from work and cleaned up, we headed out to see Transformers 3. We decided not to see it in 3D to save a few dollars and a little bit of money on gas because the theater that it was playing in for 3D was about a half hour away. Instead we were going to go out to eat for supper afterwards. The movie was about 2 1/2 hours long and Ayden sat pretty good throughout the whole thing which I was surprised about. The movie itself was pretty good. I wouldn't say it was super awesome, but for being the third movie of the series, it turned out good. I wasn't bored throughout the whole thing, but it could have been a little bit shorter.
We went to IHop for supper. That was pretty yummy! We didn't get home until almost 8pm... but it was a good afternoon/early evening out with my family and I really enjoyed that. Actually, it was a family filled weekend and it was great!
On Saturday morning we had to go to the phone store to get my phone looked at because it was telling me that I didn't have any storage left on it and I was even deleting applications off of it and had barely any on it. The guy at the phone store tried telling me it was my email that was taking up all of the space and I about blew my lid on him. Finally he just reformatted the phone to factory settings and I just redownloaded everything. I just put my email back on the phone and it didn't change the storage amount AT ALL so that guy didn't know what the heck he was talking about. I CANNOT wait until our contract is up because we are leaving this company for something better. Their phone selection SUCKS! Our phones are cool and all, but they do not have CRAP for storage... not even 1G... when most phones have like 4 or 5G internal storage these days. Oh well. That was probably the only down point of my Saturday.
After getting my phone back to 'normal' we headed to the river for the fish tournament that Ayden was in. It was a carp tournament and of the four hours that we fished, we only caught one. Oh well... it was better than nothing I suppose. I just couldn't believe that Ayden actually fished for that long. I mean he didn't even have any games along or anything to keep him busy. He was up and around quite a bit which was fine because we were just sitting on the side of the river, but still Jay and him fished from 11am until 3pm! I pretty much just sat and watched, read my Kindle, took pictures, and got sunburnt.
My honey and Ayden waiting patiently for the fish! It was a carp tournament and our first fish was a catfish, haha! The couple in the boat in the background of this picture were hot on the fish! They had quite a few carp before we had even gotten there and continued to catch them while we were still there! They were super nice and even lent us their net when we got our one and only carp! Super sweet of them!
That’s a hefty 5.5 pounds of fish right there! I couldn’t believe that Ayden actually picked it up! Gross, haha! I would never had grabbed it!
Fishing took a lot out of all of us so we went home for a few hours before heading back out to the Riverfront Rendezvous festival for a night of music. I think we went back around 6pm and were there until 11pm. We saw three different bands and let me tell you... Ayden was WAY over tired by the time that we left and was in tears! He wanted to leave pretty much by the time the last band started and I did feel bad for him because he was so tired, but we were smack dab in the middle of a HUGE crowd with a cooler, three chairs, and a blanket and there was NO way we were getting out of that crowd until the concert was over, especially with all of our stuff. The concert was pretty good, but I felt bad for my little man because he was so tired. I sat and held him for a while.
The original plan for Sunday was for Jay's parents to come up to Point with the boat so we could watch the fireworks on the river with them, but Jay's dad didn't want to bring the boat all the way to Point so instead we went home to them so we could still go on the boat. The lake was wonderful! It was SO calm which was great because that is the type of water we need for a good pontoon ride.
See… beautiful water!Unfortunately, when we slowed the boat down to do some fishing the motor stopped on us. The guys did some investigating and it turned out that a small part of the carburetor had busted. We (the guys) eventually got the boat started again and as long as we were cruising around it was okay, but we couldn’t slow down too much or stop to do any fishing because then it would shut off. Needless to say my day long boat ride ended up being maybe an hour or two… next time I guess!
We went to some nearby fireworks Sunday night and headed on home Monday early afternoon.
It was a GREAT weekend and I cannot wait until this weekend because we are going camping with Jay’s family!
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