Wednesday, July 6, 2011

{the wedding}

I have been hesitant to get excited over anything wedding related since Jay and I have gotten engaged. We've been engaged for over two years now and our wedding is still 808 days away (thank you countdown widget on my phone) so I've just felt like it isn't any appropriate time to get excited yet. Like it's WAY too early to go dress shopping or ask family and friends to be in our wedding or think about flowers/music/photography/reception/food ideas. I see a lot of my high school classmates updating on Facebook about all of the wedding planning they are doing and I can't help but get a little jealous and envious that their weddings are coming sooner than my own. But I still don't get overly excited about anything. And because Jay and I are not getting married for another two years, I feel that if I were to go out and buy a bunch of bridal magazines to get ideas for stuff it would all be outdated by the time our wedding rolled around, so why bother right?!

So far the only thing that is for certain about our wedding is where the actual ceremony is going to take place and that is Jay's parent's backyard. The configuration of everything is still a little unknown as I don't know if what I originally had wanted is going to be able to work, but per the usual... we have two years to figure it out, right?!

I have other ideas about other things, don't get me wrong, my brain has been working. I (we) each pretty much know who we want to ask to be in our wedding. I have already asked my sister if she would be my maid of honor and she has agreed (I needed to give her plenty of time to get her speech ready, haha, just kidding). I have two other people that I KNOW I am going to ask and then I have to determine if I want friends in my wedding. I have one or two friends that I would like to ask, but I know if I ask them and not another friend feelings will be hurt, so maybe it's better to just stick with who I am thinking about. Jay hasn't flat out said it, but I think he is probably going to ask his friend JT to be his best man. He's close to his brother Steven, but not that close... but maybe he will. Anyways, his groomsmen for sure (if they accept) will be JT, Steven, and my brother Casey and possibly one other person. And then Ayden and Alexis.

At this point I kind of know who I want to DJ the wedding as well and will keep my fingers crossed that he is still DJing in the next two years and will do weddings. I have no worries about him wanting to do it because I have been close with his family for YEARS! Of course, pending he will do weddings at that point.

I sort of have ideas about flowers and know that I want a photographer who really jives with my sense of photography. I know there are a lot of other things to consider as well... many many other things!

What brought this all on?!

Well we were home last weekend and out of the blue Jay's dad suggested a possible reception place for the wedding and honestly... I sort of fell in love with the idea. You see... there is a bar/reception hall literally like within walking distance of Jay's parent's house so it was sort of given that we would have the reception there. Not that there is anything wrong with this place, but to me its just so cliché. Nothing against anyone who has had their wedding there or who will because it is a nice enough place, but it is just not me. I didn't want to be one of those people. So, I had told Jay that I really didn't think I wanted our reception there. Anyways, the idea Jay's parents had was just sort of GREAT! I can't/won't go into any details just yet because we don't know if we can have the wedding there yet (it was just an idea so far) and they didn't know if Jay and I would go for it, but I had actually told Jay that I wanted something like that a while back and he didn't think it would be possible. It goes with the more nontraditional feeling that I want and will give it sort of more of a party/get together feel than a stuffy wedding. And best of all, it just seems to fit Jay and myself.

Now here I go getting excited about something that isn't even set in stone yet, but trust me, I've been googling wedding ideas galore now trying to get a feel for what I might like. I've gotten excited! Wait for it... I have (somewhat) of a vision and maybe even a theme!!! OMG! I just might have turned into a bride-to-be! Haha!



amanda said...

my tip. don't ask friends to be in the wedding. shaun talks to ONE person who stood up for him. and that's jay. and the two friends i had in my wedding i don't really talk to much at all anymore either. one i do, but one i don't at all, and probably won't. so unless you're super super super super sure you'll really truly be BFF's then ask them. :) i hope you enjoy planning. i so dreaded all of it. and we planned it within 10 months. ;)