Monday, June 11, 2012


I haven't been as on top of blogging every other day as I would like to be, but that is okay, for the time being. As a whole, I'd have to say that my weekend went rather well. I was done with clinic early on Friday as my supervisor was headed up north to visit her son. It was nice to get home a few hours early and spend some time just relaxing in the sun before another busy weekend. I finished up the book I was reading and now I need to find another one to start. I think I might read the final Hunger Games book. We shall see.

Friday night was spent at Jay's aunt's house setting up stuff for the rummage sale on Saturday. It was 'sneak peak' night on Friday and so Jay and I watched the sale and helped out while Jay's aunt and uncle went around to scope out some of the other places. Jay's mom and grandparents where there helping as well. It was a nice night and the weather wasn't too bad and we ended up selling quite a bit on Friday as well. Always good.

I had to get up on Saturday earlier than I do during the week. Ugh! Haha! We headed out to the rummage sale early to help set up again and then spent the rest of the day there. Jay's aunt and uncle were awesome for letting us bring stuff and set it out. Because we had the most stuff in the sale I thought it was important that we be there and help out as much as we could. Jay had to work on Saturday morning, but he came afterwards to help. I left around 11:30am because I had to head to Madison to do a photo shoot with my cousin. Well, they actually live in Middleton, so the drive wasn't too bad traffic wise. It was long enough, but the way I took let me avoid most of the busy roads closer to Madison.

The photo shoot went awesome and I cannot wait to get started on the pictures! I really hope that my cousin likes them! Unfortunately, my drive home wasn't so uneventful. First off, I followed my GPS and ended up on a busier road than I wanted to be because I was on the phone at the time and just turned. I knew it was going to get me home, but it was a little nerve wracking for a few minutes. In any case, I made it just under halfway home and my car started to act up. By act up, I mean that it died on me while I was driving on a divided highway... ALONE! Thankfully, the highway was not overly busy and I was not in a super busy location. However, I still had a dead car. Insert panic!

Praise the Lord, Jay answered his phone right away when I called him and told him what was up. He handles these situations much better than I do. Him and his dad were able to secure a trailer in no time flat and were about to come get me. During all of this, Jay was directing me to look under the hood of the car at the battery to make sure the wires were still hooked up nice and tight. Yeah, me, look under the hood of a car, ha! Actually, I knew how to do that and the battery was fine, but that doesn't mean I wasn't still on the verge of tears the whole time. Just before Jay and his dad were about to leave, they had me try to start the car one more time (on previous attempts when I would turn the key, I could get the radio, but the car wouldn't turn over) and it was at this point in time that I realized the car was still in drive. DUH! Don't laugh, the last thing I thought about when I pulled over to the side of the road and my car was dead was to put it in park... I mean it was already off, lol! Anyways, I put it into park, tried to restart it and it started.

I continued on my journey back towards home and made Jay stay on the phone with the still shaken me. I was able to make it just past my mom's house before the car started to act up again. This time it did not die completely on me, but it was not driving right at all and I had all sorts of lights flashing at me. Jay hopped into his truck and came to the rescue since I was only about a mile or two from his parent's house. He fiddled with something under the hood and thankfully I was able to make it back to our house alright. This is the EXACT same thing that happened last year on our way to Milwaukee and so the verdict was to look at what the mechanic did last time to the car. That worked and the car seems to be working fine now, although I made Jay drive it this morning and I took his truck. The last thing I wanted was to be driving to Sheboygan and have my car die on me. Thankfully when it did happen it was the weekend and I could get a hold of someone. On my way to work, I don't know what I would do because Jay doesn't answer his phone at work. And we all know that after the last time we ran into this situation (even when I was WITH Jay and his friend JT, I had the maturity level of a five year old to deal with situations like this... I just want to cry). At least this time I was a smidge more calm, but still on the verge of tears until I got home.

After we got home, we headed straight back out to an anniversary party in Jay's truck. The party was a good time. Ayden had a GREAT time playing with his cousins and I didn't see him hardly at all that night. Jay attempted to teach me how to play poker with a bunch of his uncles. I sort of caught on, but we didn't win. It was fun though. I love his family. I mean, his parents pretty much dropped everything to come help me with my car. I know, it's family and when someone is in need, people help, but they didn't have to. It's the fact that they are SO willing to help in the time of need without even thinking about themselves. It just amazes me. I love it and love them for it. That is not to say that my family wouldn't do the same thing; however, my mom doesn't really have access to a trailer or vehicle to pull one that fast and although my dad has a truck, he doesn't have the means to get a trailer that fast either. I did call my mom while I was stopped and she tried to help as much as she could. She did offer me one of her vehicles to drive if I needed one. Just another reason why I am growing to love living closer to home a little more.

Ayden spent the night with Jay's parents on Saturday after the anniversary party so Jay and I got to sleep in a little bit and relax Sunday morning. Although, we didn't really relax. I put more things away and we started to hang some pictures. There are NO boxes in my living room any more. So that means pictures of my house are soon to come!

Ayden slept until almost 11:30am. He needed that extra sleep, he has been outside almost all day everyday for the last two weeks. We picked him up and then came back to our house. My sister Alexis came over shortly there after and then Ayden went to her house to play. In the mean time, I went rollerblading with my bestie and we got to catch up which was a lot of fun!

I also realized that Father's Day weekend is this coming weekend and not the one after. For some reason, I had it in my head that Father's Day weekend wasn't for another two weeks... nope! That sort of put the kabash on my plans for a big rummage sale that weekend because we are heading to Minnesota on Saturday. So, what I think I am going to do is just have the sale on Saturday for a little while. We cannot leave until Jay gets home from work, which is usually between 10:30-11am. So we'll have the sale from like 7-until early afternoon. My mom has agreed to stay after we have to leave for a little while. I mean, hopefully we will sell some more stuff. We still have a lot of toys that need to go! We did good at the rummage sale this past weekend and made about twice as much money as I thought we might. Won't complain about that!

I am ready for next weekend already though... other than some senior pictures in the morning on Saturday, it should be a relaxing weekend full of watching TV and doing nothing, haha! I am looking forward to that!

In the mean time, I will look forward to this weekend and Sleeping with the Sharks! Another weekend of not getting to sleep in though. Boo! I can't imagine that Saturday night will be a lot of fun sleeping, lol! We get to sleep on a small mat with a sleeping bag, oh fun, haha!

I will leave you with the fact that I kicked butt at Boot Camp this morning, despite the fact that I really did not want to get up and go!