Thursday, June 7, 2012


Best (audiology) news to date... I PASSED THE PRAXIS!!! What a relief that is! To be honest, I was a little nervous that I wasn't going to. Like I said after I took the test, I didn't walk out thinking I had totally bombed it, but I didn't think it was the easiest thing in the world either. As I was logging into the website Tuesday night to check my score my heart was racing. The last thing I wanted to find out was that I needed to retake it. Then, as I was looking at the scores they didn't really tell you if you had passed or not, they just gave you your score so I had to scour the website trying to find what the passing score was. I have to say, unfortunately, I did not pass with flying colors, but I passed that is all that matters. Future job placements will not be asking me what my Praxis score was, they'll just need to know that I passed it and am a licensed audiologist. SO happy to have that done and over with. Just need to pass the practical portion of the exam now so I can get my first real full time career job. But we have a few months before I need to start worrying about that.

I cannot remember if I've mentioned on great Jay has been doing on losing weight. Forgive me if I have already, but I feel like I need to mention it again because even though he wasn't really trying like myself, he has rocked it and is even lower than he was at this point last year when he was trying a little more. I told him last summer what I thought should be an ideal weight for him. I know what he was in high school because of wrestling, so I knew what he was capable of getting down to and I knew what he was at the beginning of last summer. I fully knew that he wasn't going to get to the weight he was in high school, nor did I want him to try and get that low. (In any case, I know that I probably shouldn't have been the one to tell him what I thought he should weigh, but in my defense, I had offered him a 'prize' if he got to that weight that he couldn't pass up, haha!)

So, last year, Jay was able to lose quite a bit of weight, but he never quite got to the goal he had agreed upon. Although, about a few weeks into our weight loss challenge, we had agreed that the original weight was probably five pounds too light so we increased it. This year without even trying, he has made it to his goal weight. He still hasn't won the 'prize' because we had agreed that he needed to maintain it for at least a week. Haha, but even still, my man is looking hot! I know that if he were to actually work out and build more muscle now he would eventually weigh more than he does right now, but his physique would be better. I've always found Jay attractive, but even more so when he's fit. Stupid guy doesn't even have to try though, bugs the dickens out of me. Although I suppose when you spend all day walking around and on your feet the weight sort of melts right off. He literally is like walking and working out all day long at his current job and he loves it. And I love that he loves his job.

Me on the other hand... I have to work for my body to look the way that I want it to and for the last two weeks I've been eating like a hog. It was the week before 'shark week' though (I seen some friends on a fitness page call that woman's week that and I kind of liked it, haha) so all of the chocolate and sweets cravings were explained, lol!

After I found out that I passed the Praxis on Tuesday night, Jay, Ayden, and myself walked to the town ice cream shop and celebrated and then because I felt like I needed to 'redeem' myself after the ice cream, I went and rollerbladed 5.5 miles around the track and then ran some hills. I ran up and down, did 10 push ups, up and down, 8 push ups, up and down, 5 push ups, and then up and down and 3 push ups... all bare footed. Huffing and puffing at the end for sure, but felt great! And then yesterday I wimped out and only biked 4.6 miles. I was kind of having a poor afternoon and thought maybe a bike ride would improve my mood; however, it only made it worse. It made me miss Stevens Point and the Green Circle Trail even more. I felt like I was just wandering aimlessly around town and I didn't like that. To make matters worse, the radio station that I was listening to on my phone wasn't working and it was annoying me to high heavens. I am going to try and make tonight's ride better and just maybe head out of town instead of riding around town.

The house continues to come together a little more each and every day. Jay took a truck full of stuff to his aunt's house for her rummage sale this weekend and we didn't even price a bunch of boxes in the basement because we didn't want to overwhelm her with how much stuff that we were bringing. It is kind of crazy. I am excited to have more and more things put away and getting things more organized so I can start the actual decorating part that I have been craving. I cannot wait to get the pictures hung and I have a bunch of cool ideas I've gotten off of Pinterest that I want to do as well. All in due time I suppose, hehe!

Story of my life...