One week from now I’ll be able to sit back and breathe for about a month and I C.A.N.N.O.T. WAIT!!! This week has been super busy it seems and I haven’t had a night to sit down and just relax at all.
Monday I was at school from 8am until 7pm. Now that was a LONG day! And the stupid thing was that I didn’t a class until 1pm, but I did manage to get a few things done before my class. Per usual, when I got home on Monday night, I did nothing and almost went straight to bed. As a testament for how tired I was, I put in Eclipse to watch and fell asleep half way through it. That is NOT a movie that I would normally fall asleep during so I know I was super tired!
Tuesday was supposed to be last day of clinic with my original supervisor. It went really well and I did the majority of the appointments by myself. Overall, I had a pretty good Tuesday and I didn’t have to be on campus for much longer than I normally am on Tuesdays.
After work on Tuesday, I graciously agreed to take some family pictures for my friend Kristi. I LOVE taking pictures for her and her family! They are SO photogenic and her kids are adorable and as appreciative as she is of the fact that I will take their pictures, I am even more so appreciative that she continues to ask me to take their family pictures. It wasn’t too bad weather wise which was nice. Cold obviously, but nothing compared to what we are supposed to get this week as far as weather is concerned!
Here are just a few of the pictures that I took that I really like! But, like I said before, they are SO photogenic that I don’t think I took a bad picture!
After the pictures, Kristi and I took Ayden and Lily out to a movie! We went and saw Tangled in 3D and let me tell you, that movie was pretty darn cool! I definitely recommend it because it has enough witty comments in it that adults will find it funny as well! I was a little nervous to take Ayden because I thought it would primarily be a movie for little girls, but he really liked it too! My only gripe was the fact that it cost $21.50 for two tickets! That is an insane amount for two people to see a movie, even if it is 3D! I do have to say though, that these 3D movies are pretty cool and if you ever get the chance to see one, do it! I can’t wait for Transformers 3 to come out because it is bound to come out in at least a few theaters in 3D and I think Ayden would love to see that in 3D! I know that I would love it and I’m sure Jay would too!
Because of the movie on Tuesday night, we didn’t get home until well after bed time because the movie didn’t start until 7pm and the theater was about 45 minutes from our house.
Wednesday was not as late as the others, but because I work later on Wednesdays, I had to pick Ayden up from his after school program a little later and by that time half the night is already over.
Being so busy this week had really dampened my Christmas spirits. I knew that we had to get a tree yet, do most, if not all of our Christmas shopping, study for finals, finish projects, and so many other things. I was starting to feel overwhelmed and then didn’t want to do any of it. I don’t think I did much Wednesday night either. See, so busy that I can’t even remember. I think I went to bed early and prepared myself for my very last day of on campus clinic!
Thursday, like I just said, was my last day of on campus clinic and I ended up having my normal supervisor instead of the one that is supposed to cover the slot on Thursdays because that supervisor was out sick. I was a little upset because it kind of screwed up things I had planned and things I need to get signed and meetings I already had scheduled, but whatever I guess.
Clinic went well and I am happy to be done with on campus stuff, but now I need to start the process for the off campus stuff! Oh joyous world!
Thursday night was the Aud Christmas party and we had SO much fun. We got our first substantial amount of snow on Thursday and it made for horrific driving conditions. I almost didn’t go to the party because of how bad the roads were here. Apparently the town I live in doesn’t find it necessary to plow the roads while everyone is out driving on it when they should, but they wait until 2am in the morning when no one is out driving to do it. I was none to happy about that I think that ALL of our town would agree with me. But, I sucked it up, took Jay’s truck and Ayden and I went out and drove across town on the craptastic roads to the Christmas party and I’m SO glad that I did.
Everyone made it, well one classmate came for a total of about five minutes and I was honestly a little upset with her current situation and the fact that she only stayed for that long, but didn’t let it cloud the rest of the night. Her choice I guess.
We played some fun games, laughed A LOT, had GREAT food, and bonded as classmates! Even Ayden had a good time and I was really appreciative that all of my classmates accepted the fact that I was bringing him along and had kid friendly games too! It made my night and the rest of my week! Just what I needed!
Picked up our Christmas tree on Friday after Ayden was done with school! Despite the fact that I didn’t really want to get one and decorate one, of course we were going to get one! Ayden wanted one and kids deserve a Christmas tree. I decided that if I was going to decorate a tree this year, then I was going to get out all of our other decorations and decorate the walls too! I went through all of our current decorations and put a bunch of stuff in boxes for Good Will because there was a lot that we got from Jay’s parents that I don’t really want and didn’t feel like storing anymore.When I got the Christmas lights out, I started to experiment with my camera and the different settings and some different homemade filters. I read up on some tutorials online and made this heart filter with some black construction paper that I had at home and increased my shutter speed and went to town on taking pictures of the Christmas lights. I really liked how they turned out, but that is because I am obsessed with taking pictures and getting abnormal results. Not everyone would ‘get’ the pictures that I really love and that is okay with me because they don’t have to, just I do. And I really love the one below! I can’t wait to experiment more with the Christmas tree in the morning and with Ayden!
Here are a few pictures that I’ve already taken of our Christmas tree. It only took me all day to decorate the tree and I had a few moments of ‘I’m done and this thing looks like crap and I don’t really care anymore’ moments, but I got over them and continued to decorate.
The thing is, we got like this super blizzard today with getting about 10 inches of snow throughout the day and the prospect of getting another 5-10 inches tonight. That means that Jay was gone all day plowing. Making money, yes, leaving me to decorate the tree with Ayden, yes, me not handling it so well, yes. I remembered just how much I hate putting Christmas lights on the tree as I was stringing them this year. It sucks putting lights on the Christmas tree and I was uber jealous that Jay didn’t have to help with any of it and was at work all day and was super tempted to just say screw it and leave it looking like crap.
And then I would stop for a while and do other things. I got all of our laundry done today and finished my proposal for my class. I just have two little things to fix on my proposal and then upload it. It is not due until December 20th, but I figured if I had the time, I might as well get it done early. Plus, I was procrastinating on starting to study.
And now, by the time I am posting this, it is Sunday morning and everything I wrote about ‘today’, actually happened yesterday on Saturday. Haha! I hope to be ambitious and finish what I meant to all write about yesterday, today at some point… just maybe! Because I’d really like to pick up blogging more consistently again. It feels good and cleansing when I do that!
CIAO for now! LOVE ME!
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