Friday, March 25, 2011

Almost Birthday Time...

Blog birthday time that is! On May 1 this year I will have been blogging for a total of three years so far! THREE years! I canNOT believe that I have kept it up for this long! When I started I really had no idea where this blog would go, what it would become, how much I would post, and what not. And now almost three years later, I'm still here. I LOVE blogging! I admit, this blog has changed over the years, but so have I. I wrote a lot about stuff that I do not want to relive, stuff that I should probably delete, crappy life in general, but because I'm too lazy to go back and censor all of those posts, they will just stay there... my doubt is that anyone new to my blog won't go back and read them anyways.

I have a counter on the sidebar of my blog that shows how many people have visited it. I need six more hits (well as of the last time I checked) to get 10,000 views. Although... probably a good 1000 or so are my own views from previewing my blog when I change it around to make sure it looks okay and just from other times I've viewed my own blog. If you divide that down... its about 9 views per day over the last three years. Doesn't seem like a lot, but I don't write to get a lot of followers. I write for myself. I don't have giveaways on my blog and so that doesn't attract more followers, I don't review products and so that doesn't attract more followers, I don't go around promoting my blog on other people's blogs and so that doesn't attract more followers, I don't comment a lot on other people's blogs and so that doesn't and so that doesn't attract more followers... get my drift. I don't mind that people read my blog, it's why it's public, it's why I post it on facebook when I update, but I don't need 100 or even 1000 followers. If you read my blog and enjoy it, then great! Thanks!

That's not to say that people who do all of the above are bad or wrong in any way. I happen to follow a lot of blogs that have hundreds of followers and commenters and I really enjoy them. I've heard stories of people who have made great friends through their blogs which is awesome. It's just not why I write mine.

I have a test coming up in what I thought was going to be my favorite class this semester... Pathologies. Do you remember how horrible my night ended up being after I took that last test (and then how I managed to get an A- as my grade when the professor threw in the curve)?!? Well, this test will be next Wednesday, after two weeks of Spring Break and two weeks before that with the professor out sick and us having a guest lecturer and a replacement teacher. We (the students) have no idea who wrote the exam, although I did email one of the fill in professors to see if she would tell us, because knowing who wrote the exam will definitely help us (the students) know how and what to student. We had three different professors and one guest lecturer for the last how many weeks and that makes a lot of difference. If our regular professor is writing the exam I think I'm screwed no matter what, even with the curve, because his tests are terrible. If the first fill in professor wrote the exam then I might just be able to pass it and she won't have to curve it. (Her exams are usually pretty straight forward and easy.) If the second fill in professor wrote the exam... then I'm probably screwed again, although I did manage a 100% on one of her online exams this semester. We'll see I guess... but just one more thing to add to the list.

Jay and Ayden may be going home this weekend... I can keep my fingers crossed, right?! It would be nice to get a weekend to myself, but either way it doesn't really matter I guess. I just need to keep myself motivated enough to get my presentation done and my other project maybe started. Said other project isn't due for a week and a half yet and I'm not too worried about how it is going to go. It shouldn't be too bad.

We got a new water heater today. Poor landlord for having to pay for it. The other one was working fine, but it was leaking and apparently the plumber said that that warranted a new one?! I don't know anything about water heaters so who knows. He said that it should save us money though, so maybe?! This is the first place that we've rented where the water gets hot enough for me in the shower. I like really hot water and at the previous two other places we lived at I could crank the shower handle all the way over and it would be warm enough for Jay and Ayden, but I always wanted it just a smidge warmer. Hoping the new water heater doesn't screw that up for me now, hehe!

This will be my fifth post in the last two weeks. I feel like I have been posting a lot more frequently than usual. I kind of like that. I'm going to be sad when my life goes back to busy next week... or should I say normal and then I don't post quite as often. I am really looking forward to summer this year... for not reason in particular, other than I won't be super busy with school and clinic... just clinic.