It’s almost 1:30pm on Sunday afternoon and I have to say that all I’ve done today is get out of bed, lay on the couch, read a little bit, sleep some more, make some French toast, lay on the couch some more, and finally get up and take a shower. That’s A LOT for a Sunday, right?! Talk about a lazy day around here. I don’t know that I’ve been THIS lazy for a LONG time and it feels kind of depressing, HA!
Here is the list of things I wanted to get done by the end of the weekend... whether or not they actually all get completed, well that's another story, ha!
Start laundryDone and did, except I have a basket to fold and some clothes to take off hangers and put away, but at least it’s all washed.Make Katie's cdsOrganize officeClean off upstairs tableVacuum basementGo through Ayden's 'left over' toys and determine what can be saved for future rummage sale or GoodwillWe even dropped the toys off at Goodwill. I had a whole care full of stuff that we no longer needed.Organize underneath the stairs storage- Organize basement closet (I at least looked in the closet, but since we are waiting on a plumber to come and look at our water heater, it doesn’t pay to organize it fully because stuff will need to get moved again.)
- Vacuum living room (I was so on my way to doing this, but then I realized that I needed to clean the vacuum filter and then wait for it to dry, and then I ended up doing something else. We have a bag-less vacuum and every now and then the filter needs to get rinsed off. This time it needed it BAD!)
Organize Ayden'sclosetand book shelfI took a look in the closet and thought to my self… looks good enough for me right now, HA! At least I got the bookshelf done!Go through Ayden's clothes- Start Geriatrics presentation*
- Start capstone IRB approval application*
- Start Pediatrics presentation*
- Start Amplification presentation*
- Listen to Pathologies recordings*
- Start Practice Management project*
- Organize and go through my and Jay's clothes (I went through a few of my shirts, but that’s about it, didn’t get much further than that.)
- Pack for the Dells (On my list of things to complete today, since after all… we are going to the Dells tomorrow!)
Organize Jay's work clothes and basement shelvesFinish FAFSA if I can get the error figured outPay bills- Print off some updated pictures
- Look for more articles on CROS*
- Work on Mother's Day project
- Gather and list stuff on Craiglist?!
*Starred items include school related things and as you can very well see, I was super unmotivated to get any of that done this weekend! I do have to say, that the Geriatrics presentation rough draft is the only thing due soon and that is not until March 28th, so I’m good yet, real good. I just haven’t been motivated to get a real head start on anything.
Spring cleaning much?! HA! Attempting to be ambitious much?! HAHA again!
Work has been pretty slow lately which makes the time that I am there go just that much slower. It's not that I don't enjoy my job, because I totally do. My boss rocks and I do enjoy what it is that I have to do each time I go in, it's just that sometimes it gets a little slow.
I think I may be getting sick. It started with a runny nose a few nights ago and a lot of sneezing and then a sore throat halfway through the night which is continued with a runny nose and a lot of sneezing again the past few mornings, but it hasn’t increased. Spring allergies?! Who knows? The throat isn't very bad anymore which is good, but I really don't want to be sick going into our Dells vacation. One of the little girls I watched on Tuesday night had a bit of a runny nose, so maybe I caught it from her?! And or my supervisor who had the beginnings of a cold on Tuesday as well, although hers was more throat than nose so we'll see.
The weather was absolutely beautiful yesterday and believe me, I took advantage of it and got out to take some pictures. I hadn’t taken any pictures for myself since sometime in February and just wanted to get my camera out. I headed off to the beach and Ayden joined me with his fishing pole. He just had a rubber fish tied onto the end that he was using to practice his casting with. (Unfortunately, he got snagged on a tree branch just before we left and we ended up losing the fish, oops! Just goes to show that you shouldn’t send a woman and kid off with a fishing pole by themselves, hehe!)
It felt good to get the camera out again for myself and just have fun with it. Ayden and I tramped through the melting snow and enjoyed the beautiful sun that was shining down on us.
This is Ayden and his future wife, Lily! If I say it enough, it will be true, hehe!And here are a few pictures from the park. Ever since I took some for my friend, Katie, there last weekend, I wanted to go back and just get some scenic ones.
The blue sky just soaked me in! I couldn’t get enough of it! Oh, and of course, the little dude!
I got a few of Ayden… without having to bribe him into letting me take any. The premise of the time out with mommy was that I wouldn’t make him be in any pictures, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t take plenty of him when he wasn’t looking!
Then we came home, you know, after the whole losing the rubber fish to the tree branch, and Ayden played outside where I took some more pictures of him while I relaxed in a lawn chair.
I love Ayden’s face in this last picture, the scrunched up nose is SO Jay!
Do any of you have any weird quirks? What a question, right? I realized that I do. (I mean, it’s not like I just realized that I do.) HA! What a shock, right?! I habitually play with the rings on my fingers. Especially if I am bored, yet have to listen to something, like pay attention in class. I have realized that I play with the earrings in my ears as well (it used to be my nose ring years ago), but now I just twirl my earrings around in my ear, and mostly just my left ear. It feels good. I know, send me to the loony bin (pretty please, I've been trying and trying to find good reason to go back to the padded rooms, hehe!) stat! There has to be something wrong with me!
A few other funny things about me include, having to sleep with the curtains entirely blocking the window because I fear waking up and seeing someone staring in our window at me in the middle of the night, even if only a sliver of the window is showing. When Jay is gone and I'm sleeping alone, I leave the bedroom door open at night (we usually leave it most of the way open each night so the cat can come and go) but not all the way, I put one of Jay's slippers on each side of the door to keep it in a certain spot so there is no extra light coming from the kitchen windows. Crazy again, I know.
Okay, so those are only a few funny things about me.
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