Monday, March 14, 2011

More Random Thoughts from ME!

I feel like writing, but I don't feel like I have a lot to say. Although the past week has been busy like usual, not a whole lot of excitingness (yes I made that a word) has been going on. The days continue to progress like usual, with getting up in the morning, leaving for the day to do whatever it is that happens to be that days agenda, getting home, eating supper, watching some TV, and going to bed.

Last week, the little dude and I watched Titanic together. Not the whole thing, because when they air it on TV, its like four and a half hours long, which means they add in an hour and a half of commercials because the movie itself is three hours long. We probably watched two hours of it. For the first hour we cuddled on the couch together. I treasure those moments more and more each time because I know they will be few and far between in the coming years (unfortunately). And for the second hour, I remembered I had a paper that I had due the next day that I needed to finish up, so I worked on that, while Ayden constructed the Titanic out of his legos and reenacted what was on TV. (I love when he does that, it's super cute.)

I started a new book on my Kindle last week too, and am still not finished with it. Its taking me a lot longer than I had originally thought and its not quite as good, but not bad enough for me not to finish it. I'm hoping to get in a few good non school related reads within the next two weeks. Its always relaxing to cuddle in with a good blanket and book for a few hours! Would be cheaper if I just went to the library and checked out some books instead of buying them on my Kindle, but I have quite a long 'wish list' on my Kindle so I thought I might get one or two books for the time being.

It felt super good to not have to go to class today, and knowing I won’t have to go for another two weeks is even better. I was even productive school wise this past weekend and got two quizzes that I needed to finish done. I have a few other things that I need to work on still, but it was better than nothing, right?! Both quizzes ended up being fairly easy and didn’t take me too much time so that was good as well.

Jay got his wisdom teeth out last Friday and I’ve been calling him ‘chipmunk cheeks’ ever since. I know, not nice, hehe! He’s still in a little pain in the mornings, but he said it wasn’t as bad as he thought it was going to be. His face is still pretty swollen, but when the dentist called today to check in with him, they said that the swelling usually peaks around the third or fourth day and then it starts to go down, so totally normal. Just one more thing to have done.

I took some engagement photos for my friend and classmate Katie this past weekend and I have to say, it’s been my favorite shoot to date. I am in love with some of the pictures I got and only wish they were of Jay and myself, hehe! Jay doesn’t know what’s coming this spring when we have our shoot!

We had a laundry list of different places that I wanted to go to around town and I think we hit up most of them. After driving around on Saturday, I couldn’t believe how many different places I kept adding to my list! And some of them will be even cooler in the summer with no snow on the ground! Can’t wait!!!

And of course, here are some of the pictures I took. I took 455 pictures and after going through them and deleting bad ones, I had 347… of those 347, I edited 115 for Katie and her fiancĂ©. Talk about lots of clicks! It was WAY fun though!IMG_5210Aren’t they super cute together?! I love the door behind them too!IMG_5230This picture is one of my favorite! I love how Katie is pulling Matt towards her. There is just something about it… maybe it’s me?!IMG_5268I also like this one a lot!!! The blue building was the COOLEST, unfortunately, there was snow piled up in the front of it so I couldn’t get the shots that I had in mind for this building and on the side of it, when I tried what I wanted, I got lots of stuff in the background. But we did get a few cute shots with it!IMG_5297I LOVE this church door! The color of it is just SO rich and the pictures we got with it turned out awesome! IMG_5481And… we did get some railroad track pictures, against my better judgment. Technically, the sign said that it was trespassing if you crossed the bridge (and really, who would be dumb enough to cross the railroad bridge?) so I don’t know that we were actually trespassing, ha! We did get some super cool pictures and I’m happy that we did go up there!IMG_5531This is also one of my absolute FAVORITES from this shoot. I love the color and the texture of the different materials. It’s super cool!IMG_5583And one more just because! The red door was super cool, although once again, this was against my better judgement because the sign did say ‘no trespassing’. Oops!IMG_5606

Ayden and I read for quite a while tonight and he didn’t get frustrated AT ALL! Big YEAH!!! That was quite an accomplishment because not only did we do his Hooked on Phonics lesson that we are working on, but we also read another book from the library together and not once did he complain or argue or whine or cry or yell! It was GREAT! I really enjoyed it and I think he did too and it was great to see him try so hard and he did SO well too! We are definitely making progress which makes me SO happy. I don’t need a first grader that reads at a fifth grade level, but to know that he’s not struggling as nearly as much as I thought he was and that he is willing to work at it with myself and Jay is great!

It’s off to clinic tomorrow! And a week from today we will be in the Dells with my friend Kristi! Can’t wait. I’m watching her girls tomorrow night so her and her hubby can go out for Kristi’s birthday.

Time for some ice cream?! I think so…