Thursday, March 31, 2011

Normal photos gone…PSYCHEDELIC!

I was perusing a photography forum on a website that I frequent (you know, trying to increase my ever expanding knowledge on photography, well mostly just oogling over photos taken by professional and wishing that at some point I might manage to be half as good as them) and I came across some totally awesome looking photos that someone had done. I just HAD to know how this photographer had ‘made’ these creations! Did she manipulate something on her camera, was it done on the computer?! Someone please tell me!
Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one who just HAD to know… because the board was flowing with comments from others please asking for directions on how to accomplish this feat! The photographer posted her instructions and said that she knew it would work in Photoshop CS4 and CS5. Well, those are the actual versions of photoshop. My version is just Photoshop Elements (and version 6 at that… they have a version 9 out already, so even mine is pretty outdated). Being the computer savvy person I am, once again, I just HAD to know if it would work with my version and I set out trying to use the photographers instructions.
Wouldn’t you know, I didn’t have to change a thing and I got it to work! My main concern was that she would be using tools that only the actual versions of Photoshop have and that Elements leaves out, but nope! I followed each step to the ‘T’ and came up with the following pictures. I’ve included a few ‘before’ and ‘after’ picture so you can see what I was working with.
IMG_5790IMG_5790 copyIMG_2294IMG_2294IMG_7318IMG_7318IMG_8088IMG_8088
And here are just a few more that I made without the ‘before’ and ‘after’… I tell you, this new technique is really addicting, I’ve been going back through my old albums, just trying to find old pictures that would look cool!IMG_5335-2IMG_6995IMG_8789IMG_9255I think I’m in love! Hope you like them as much as I do!
I had what I thought was going to be a killer test last night. I was literally freaking out about it because I had no idea what to expect and the professor who was writing the exam is a notoriously hard exam writer and we hadn’t had him as a teacher for over the last month since he has been out. Ugh! But… guess what?!?! The test turned out pretty awesome! I know that I at least passed the test, it just depends on how well I did. I think if he curves it enough, I could probably pull of an ‘A’, but we will see. I probably wouldn’t be happy with a ‘B’, but I’m not going to complain, just so long as it isn’t lower than a ‘B’. And I pulled off an ‘A-‘ on the first test that I thought I failed, so just maybe…
Now it’s time to get motivated and work on the other stuff that I have going on. I have the majority of my presentation that I have to give on Monday complete. I plan on going to work for a little while tomorrow, going shopping for a little bit (I mean, I do have $10 Kohls cash burning a hole in my wallet), and then working on school stuff in the afternoon. I have an assignment due on Wednesday that I need to start (hoping it doesn’t take longer than two hours, but it just might) and finish. I have quite a few other things as well…
A presentation for two different classes, an application process that should be completed by the end of April to get my capstone research project okay’d, a lab assignment, a case study, a business plan to finish, and another assignment… and then I think that’s it for the semester. Seven different things and a few finals, not too bad.
Jay got our bikes down yesterday. Ayden wanted to go for a ride and we thought that it was probably a good time. And, if we got our bikes down, then it wouldn’t snow anymore, right?! Jay took them to put air in the tires at the gas station, since we couldn’t find our bike pump at home and those two went for a ride yesterday before I got home from class. I’m looking forward to going on a ride with them both tonight because the crappy rainy weather is supposed to start tomorrow (and hopefully take a break on Saturday so I don’t have to drive in it).