Written Wednesday…
It was an all out lazy day for us yesterday at the house after I got home from work and Ayden was back from the sitters. We had lunch and then lounged around and watched TV pretty much all afternoon. I took a bit of a nap and Ayden played with his toys. I felt guilty. I should have been up and doing something productive or outside because the weather was so nice, but I wasn't. I was lazy. I watched too much TV, I let Ayden watch too much TV, and we were lazy together. But, I'm over it. That's not going to happen today. Today is a new day. Today we are going to be more active.
I mean, I've been semi active the last three days. I've worked out each day and I've biked to work (which is 1 1/2 miles each way) so that counts for something. (P.S. I've even see the number 117.8 lbs on my scale two days in a row now. Let's pretend that .8 doesn't really count, haha!) But today... today Ayden and are going to bike to the park and play and then bike to a nearby Walgreens so I can look at some color for my hair. My hair needs a change. I don't really want to cut it because I am liking it longer right now and I don't really want to pay up the wazoo to get it colored professionally (not with my car needing to get fixed), so we are going to check out the store. I'm thinking something with a reddish tint in it... who knows?! Both the park and the store are probably within a mile of the house and the store happens to be just down a block from our ride back from the park so they are both doable. We just need to get out of the house and be a little more active today so I don't feel so guilty.
I'm still pretty sore today from working out. I know that by this weekend it won't be as bad. I definitely feel more energized after I've worked out so that's good. This morning I started a load of laundry, swept the kitchen, and took care of the garbage and recyclables before we had to leave the house. Quite a productive morning if I don't say so myself and I only had to get up at 6:45am (we didn't leave until 9am, so plenty of time really). I dread having to get up earlier than 6:45am once the semester starts though because 6:45am seems to be like the perfect time. With class at 8:00am on Mondays and Wednesdays, I'll have to get up by probably by 6:00am. And then I found out that I may be driving to Oshkosh on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Getting to wherever I need to be by 7:30 or 8:00am means leaving Point by 6:30am and that means getting up by about 5:00am if I were to workout those mornings. Those might have to be workout nights... if I intend to keep working out past by 30 days and I hope this time I can stick to it. After the Ripped in 30 is over, I should probably use the other Jillian DVD that I bought. We'll see...
Written Thursday…
Yesterday wasn’t such a lazy day for us which was good. We ventured out to the park as planned and then to the store and then by the end of the night my hair was a new color. It was an all around good day. Today has been good too.
My final ‘batch’ of lilies bloomed at our house this week and I was SO excited. If you don’t know already, I’m a tiny bit obsessed with lilies. They are gorgeous and I’m in love. And of course I had to break out the camera to take some pictures of them!The lovely McDill Pond that is supposed to be filled. This log that Ayden is sitting on is usually completely under water… not this summer. It made a great perch for Ayden, although he didn’t want to oblige his mommy and sit on it for a picture. I could have gotten some really cute ones. I don’t know what it is about the little guy lately, but he’s become afraid of anything bug related outside. It’s really rather annoying!
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