Thursday, August 18, 2011


I've been doing pretty good lately. Not that I shouldn't be, but I thought you all should know. It's my birthday today... 25 years old... halfway to 50 (as my mom so kindly reminded me this morning) and a quarter of a century old (as my dad's wife so kindly reminded me on Tuesday), but that's okay. I haven't yet reached the point of life where I associate birthdays as getting old. Maybe by the time I hit 30 I will, but even so... 30 isn't old either. Heck, I'll probably still be having kids when I am 30.

I don't have any super exciting plans for my birthday. Last year my friends and I got together and had a great afternoon. It really was a lot of fun and a great way to spend a birthday. This year, I'll most likely be at home all afternoon working on editing photos that I took this past week and relaxing and watching some TV. Jay mentioned something about going out to eat tonight, but I don't know if I want to do that. We went out to eat on our way home from camping last weekend and my dad took us out to eat on Tuesday afternoon when he picked up Ayden for the rest of the week. So three meals out at a restaurant in one week for someone who is trying to watch her weight... probably not the smartest thing.

Speaking of weight, I'm still holding pretty steady in the 118-119 pound range. I'd really love to get to 115, but at this point I don't know that that will happen. As I've stated before, I've started working out to Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD again and I know that I am getting into better shape and with that I am building more muscle mass and I know that muscle weighs more than fat so that is probably a good indication of why the scale is not decreasing. I've tried not to get too hung up on the numbers on the scale, but some days are worse than others. For the first time since probably May, I went to bed last night weighing less than what I did when I got up in the morning... only by .2 lbs though. In any event, my clothes are fitting loose so I know that I am losing inches which is good. Yesterday I slept in and had every intention of not really working out. I just wasn't feeling it. Instead, I biked to work and then biked around afterwards looking for locations to do the senior shoot I have this weekend and biked home. That was just over 5 miles. Then I went for an almost five mile walk with my friend before supper which was great. Afterwards Jay and I went and got Ayden's birthday present and some groceries and it was almost 9pm by the time we got home. Working out was not on the top of my priority list, but I went ahead and sweated it out with Jillian... at 9pm! I was proud of myself for not giving up and that I pushed through not wanting to do it.

I can't remember if I wrote about running with my sister during camping. My sister has taken up running this summer and I thought that I would give it a try with her while we were camping since I wasn't going to be working out with Jillian. That was a mistake, ha! I am SO not a runner... even if I am sort of somewhat in better shape now than at the beginning of the summer. She totally kicked my butt running! And to top it off, I didn't believe Jay when he said I was going to end up with shin splints even after just a short run. Wrong! My shins hurt on Sunday! Oopsies! I think I will stick with my 20 minute workout with Jillian! I said it before, I’ll say it again… I am not a runner!

Last night I got to hang out with my friend and classmate, Katie. We hadn’t seen each other since the beginning of the summer, although we have emailed back and forth throughout the summer. The sucky thing is that she lives just across town! We had been meaning to get together for a while and go for a walk, but time was never on our side and finally this week it was. We went for about a five mile walk and got caught up on pretty much everything! Clinic, school, friends, wedding stuff. She is getting married about three months before me and so we get to plan our weddings together, I’m super excited! And we even planned a day to go try on dresses in a couple of weeks. I am even more super excited! We both know that our weddings are about two years away (give or take a couple of weeks for both of us), but it’s never too early to go look, right?! She said a friend of hers knows of a good place in our area. And I introduced her to the love of pinterest!

Happy Birthday to ME! Although, I have to admit it’s been mediocre at best…boo…