Saturday, August 27, 2011

{somewhere someday}

My type A personality is starting to win out on me. I am a planner, a planner at heart and with the unknown of the coming year comes a lot of apprehension for me. I absolutely hate not knowning were we will be 9 month from now. A baby in my arms?! Ha! Got you there, didn't I?!?! No, no baby in my arms, although I do wish. But I won't get started on the whole baby thing right now. I hate not knowing where we will be living, where Ayden will be going to school, where Jay will be working, where my 4th year placement will be, who we will have for childcare... all of the unknown is driving me nuts and it is still 9 MONTHS away! Ugh! I know that I just need to chill out and that everything will work out as it should, but like I said at the beginning of this post, my type A personality is getting the best of me! Instead of worrying about this fall semester starting, I'm fast forwarding to the end of Spring already and i all honesty, I do not want to wish the next 9 months away. They will go fast enough with me doing that.

Speaking of this fall semester, I got a letter in the mail today saying that I got another scholarship. I was sort of expecting it because I got all 'A's last spring, but despite that, I am still grateful for it. Any little money will help and it comes at the end of the semester, just in time for Christmas shopping... even better! I was also able to get most (if not all) of my paperwork finished for my clinic placement this fall. I emailed it out today and I will hopefully hear from the facility sometime Monday if I need to send anything else in. Then it is just a matter of going in for an orientation and starting my placement. I am kind of excited at the possibility of seeing some surgeries this semester since it will be at a hospital.

I've been keeping up with my working out despite not really wanting to. I have to say though, the promise of getting Ripped in 30 is a little misleading. I am about halfway through the third week (one week left) and although I can definitely see a bit of a change in my arms and I probably have a bit more thigh strength, my abs are definitely not as flat as I would like them. I have to say that the second time around with this DVD, I haven't had to stop through any of the workouts while I am doing them. So I know that my stamina has definitely increased and I can workout longer. That is not to say that the workouts aren't hard and that I am not sweaty and gross afterwards. I have debated about what I want to do after I am done with this DVD. I don't think I want to do it again. My cousin recently became a coach for the Turbo Fire program and so I thought about that. After looking into it and reading some reviews and seeing some videos, I am totally convinced that it works and works well, but I don't think that it is the right program for me at this point in time.

Around the time we moved into our current place (just over two years ago), I bought two The Firm dvds and thought that I was going to do those. Um, I am not coordinated enough to do those dvds... they go way too fast for me and do not have enough instruction. After watching some Turbo Fire videos on youtube, I have come to the conclusion, that although not like The Firm, this program is probably too intensive for me at this point. I would get it and be so confused and get frustrated that I would not bother with the program. That is not to say that I have written it off completely though and maybe in a month or so, I might revisit the idea of it. At this point in time, I am going to rotate through another Jillian Michaels dvd I have, a new Jacki Warner dvd, and two of the P90X dvds that Jay has. Jacki Warner is another well noted fitness guru and from what I've seen of her workout dvds, they are in a similar teaching format as Jillians (ie: a format that is slow enough for me to follow). I am going to do the Cardio and Kenpo dvds of the P90X program as well. I have seen both of those and even semi worked out to both of them while Jay was previewing them. I can't say that I will be able to do all 60 minutes of those dvds, but my goal is 40 minutes each day... 10 minutes more than what I currently do because including the warm-up with Ripped in 30, it is about 30 minutes long. If I can keep up that schedule for a month, then we will see what comes next. I'd really like to continue to workout on a regular basis because although I am almost cursing my way through it sometimes, I definitely feel good afterwards! And that is an accomplishment!

I am writing this blog post on my new Asus tablet! My original goal was to get an iPad. I was going to use the money that I made this summer doing photos and my birthday money to purchase one. Jay was totally against the idea at first because he didn't think I needed one. Well, of course I didn't need one, but I wanted one and its not as if I was using just any money, it was money that was mine. (And he didn't even get me anything for my birthday.) We ventured to Best Buy at the beginning of the week to look at the different tablets that were out there. You know, wanting to make an educated decision and all. We talked with some of the techie people at Best Buy about the different tablets. Jay's friend JT thought I should go with an Android tablet since he like that operating system better. I suppose it is all fine and dandy, I mean we have Android phones and I like it well enough. Maybe with the Android system, I could sync apps from my phone to the new tablet. So... we were looking at two different tablets when the tech told us about a different one all together and how he thought this new one was probably the best Android tablet on the market.

The iPad didn't come with any docking station, no SD card slot, nothing. You had to buy all of that seperate. The Asus tablet didn't come with a docking station or SD card slot either, but it was $100 cheaper than the iPad and the same amount of storage. Plus, you could buy the docking station, which came with USB ports and an SD card slot for an extra $150. That put the total $50 more than I had wanted to spend, but I really couldn't pass it up. Unfortunately, the store didn't have any in stock and they had to order one for me to come in later this week. In the mean time, I found the tablet on Walmart's website for $50 cheaper and when my tablet came in at Best Buy they price matched it for me and I got the tablet and docking station/keyboard/SD card slot all for the price I would have paid for the iPad! Score! And I can sync apps from my phone to the tablet and vice versa. For example, there is an app on the tablet that I can use to take notes with in class and the notes will sync with my phone and my computer. So, no matter where I am, I can have access to the notes I've taken in class and study anywhere. You know, because I am such a study-aholic! Haha! Plus, this will beat bringing my computer to school everyday... it starts up so much more quickly and is a lot smaller and lighter and yet I still have the functionality of a keyboard! I think I'm in love, hehe!