I know that I’ve said it multiple times before, but my baby starts second grade tomorrow! To offset the fact that this was the last week of summer vacation, Ayden and I had a picnic at the beach on Monday afternoon. I had everything packed and ready to go when I picked him up from the sitters house and we spent the next three hours relaxing at the beach. It was a great afternoon, especially since we hadn’t gone a whole lot this summer… The weather was nice, but the water was pretty cold! Once you were in the water for a while it didn’t feel so bad. Ayden had a blast in the water and that is all that matters!We brought a lot to the beach… it’s the only way to go, ha! Or not, the last time that we went, we biked and brought a pail and a net. That’s all you really need. This time, though, we drove, so I could bring a lot more. It was nice to have a chair this time. And I brought a lot more sand toys, although we didn’t use about half of them.
My little fish with his goggles on upside down. He didn’t care, just so long as they worked!
I think I have a picture (or multiple pictures) very similar to this from years past with the same yellow bucket. I should really look for them and compare how Ayden has grown over the years. We really do love the beach because it is so shallow and the water is clean and usually pretty warm.
It never hurts to stop for some lunch either! I ended up eating pretty much as soon as we had gotten set up at the beach which was around 12:30pm… Ayden on the other hand decided that he wasn’t hungry until about 2:00pm. He worked up quite an appetite though from all of the running around he did in the water and ate really good!
I feel like I should have more to blog… but I don’t really have anything that I feel is super important to say, so I’m going to go for now…
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