Tuesday, August 23, 2011

{don't blink}

I had every intention of writing a sappy post on Ayden's birthday yesterday, but twice while I was on my computer, it shut off on me and waiting for my computer to turn back on and reload just wasn't what I wanted to do... so I kept the post in my head for today.
I wish I had some wonderful insightful post about the day Ayden was born, but to be honest, most of it is a blur. I remember the big things, but part of me wishes I would have been blogging at that point so I have a clearer vision on how it actually was.

I know I was scared crapless... I had just turned 18 four days prior and here I was about to become a mommy! And let me tell you, labor was nothing like I had prepared for. I totally wimped out (I'd like to think the next go around I might have my head on a little straighter, but lets be honest here... that probably won't happen) and got an epidural as soon as they would let me! I know that Jay was happy once I finally got it, he says I was pretty mean to him. I probably was, hehe! That epidural made things so much more tolerable for me. I give mega props to those who go through labor without one... I just couldn't do it.

My water broke early in the morning, I think around 8am(ish) and Ayden was born almost 12 hours later at (I believe) 8:31pm. After almost 2 1/2 hours of pushing the doctor needed to intervene and they had to use suction to help him come out. Thankfully he didn't end up super cone headed because of it and just had a little spot on the top of his head from it. Because they had to use medical intervention to help deliver him there were a lot more doctors and nurses in the delivery room than normal. But he came out perfectly healthy with ten toes and ten fingers.

I think my only regret about getting the epidural was afterwards and not feeling my legs for awhile. There came a point when I had to get up to use the bathroom and I almost fell over because I couldn't quite feel my legs as much as I should have been able to. But alas, all was fine!

We had a stream of visitors in the hospital and I look back on the pictures and think I looked like crap and wonder why anyone would want to see me in that condition, haha! I know, I know, they were there to see the baby, not me! And now here it is seven years later and my baby isn't a baby anymore. He has opininos of his own. He has likes and dislikes. He is more verbal that he needs to be! Just kidding! He has feelings. But he's also not all that different from the baby I first held seven years (and one day ago). He still looks at his mama with those same loving eyes. He still has those same ten fingers and ten toes. He still needs me. Aw man, this is turning into a sappy post!

But, he wouldn't be the not so little boy that he is today without the wonderful people around him everyday. And by wonderful people I'm not refering to Jay and myself. I'm talking about his grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, teachers, and friends. Jay and I have been blessed beyond our wildest imaginations with this little boy and we wouldn't trade the world for him. But we've also been blessed with the most wonderful family God has to offer. We may have started out young as parents, but our families were there (and still are there) for us every step of the way! Everyone has been so supportive and that makes life all the easier. We don't need pity, handouts, or snide comments. We just need someone to say good job, keep it up, look at all you've accomplished. And we have those type of people surrounding us each and everyday.

So although Jay and I do the majority of the parenting and raising of Ayden, we wouldn't be where we are without the people we have around us. Life isn't all peaches and cream, well actually I should say ice cream and chocolate because I like those better, but we perservere through each and every day and despite the fact that the people who really need to hear this probably don't read my blog... I really just want to say thank you to each and every one of you (you know who you are) for being there for us these last seven years (and one day, hehe) and for continiung to be here for us all the years in the future. It means more than you will ever know! Argh, more sappiness, lol!

With that... I say... don't blink... because when you do, seven years will fly by and your baby will turn into a little man!