Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{renewed drive}

I've struggled a lot since my 17k on St. Patty's Day with any drive to run. The majority of it stemmed from knee pain after the 17k. I had my half marathon that was coming up, but even between the 17k and the half marathon, I wasn't overly excited about running. Did I want to run the half marathon, of course... it was something that I had worked so hard for. As you all know well enough by now, I kicked that half marathon's ass.

After the half marathon though, my drive for anything fitness related really went down the shitter. Much of that still stemmed from a knee injury from which I'm STILL recovering from. On the bright side where the injury is related, the pain is minimal and it is not all of the time. So progress is being made. We are on the uphill side of things.

But recently my drive for running has been renewed and that has EVERYTHING to do with my favorite little man. Him deciding and wanting to run with his momma has given me something to work for. We've started the Couch to 5k program together and I know that running in intervals with him is going to help strength me. I know not running much in the last two weeks has done a lot for my endurance and I'd like to slowly build it back up again with a new running partner. At this point if I were to go out and try to run anything further than three miles I'd be pushing it. I'd love to say that I could, but I know my body and how I'm not as strong as I was even a month ago. But that is changing people, it is a changing. I think we all go through periods where we question ourselves and our abilities and our drive... mine is being renewed. And readers, my little man... he is doing great! I can't guarantee that as we continue to follow the program and we are running more than we are walking that he will still love it as much as I do, but I can pray that he wants to continue it with me. I want nothing more than to run an entire 5k with him in a few months and for us to kick booty!

It was as if after my half marathon I had nothing to strive for anymore. My goals were gone. Yes, I'm still doing a race every month to meet my goal of running something every month for a year, but what I have left are just 5ks and those didn't seem like a challenge for me. I don't need a challenge to feel fulfilled, but I wanted something that would help push me. My little man must have known, because doing it with him makes my heart swell! Plus that little bugger can really run so it pushes me too!

There is this huge hill that we have been ending our runs with by racing up. I have yet to beat the little man. He kicks my butt on the hill every time! Someday though I'll get him, haha! Mark my words!

So look forward to continued posts about how well we are doing on our way to our first ever fully runny mommy and son 5k! Can't wait!