Thursday, May 9, 2013

{saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday}

Whew, glad that vent sesh is over. Yes, I keep a lot of pent up anger inside sometimes, it happens.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

The title of this blog post includes the days this week that I have been active... the days that I have been active with my little man! Saturday, as you know if you read my blog consistently, we ran/walked the Dream in Color 5k. Sunday, we hiked for probably 3-4 miles at a local state park. We traversed down a pretty steep hill on what probably wasn't an actual walking path and then had to go back up that same hill at a different location on what was an actual path, but was probably even more difficult than the one coming down.

Monday and Tuesday involved five mile bike rides on both days. Monday it was just the little man and I. He rocked it! It was awesome! He's gone farther before, but it has always been on paths that are pretty continuous where we haven't had to watch for traffic all that much. This was the first long bike ride around our town with only sidewalks and Ayden's bigger bike. Lots of slowing down and looking for cars, but overall it was a great ride. I was very proud of him! Almost no whining!

Tuesday, I had to pick up both Ayden and Alexis from school as my dad had a doctor's appointment. After I picked them up, we headed out for another bike ride. I knew Ayden could do five miles from the night before, but I wasn't sure about Alexis. I had a goal of at least three miles with the two of them. We headed out, took it slow and steady and by the 2.5 mile mark I decided we'd push for five. I was very proud of Alexis because she does not yet have a bike with gears so she really had to work hard on the hills and there were a few of them. She mentioned a few times that in the past she had to get off and walk her bike up the hills, but this time I kept telling her that we could do it on the bike as long as we kept telling ourselves that we could. And let me tell you, there was one hill at the 3.5 mile mark that was pretty steep even for me and Ayden and she made it up WITHOUT STOPPING OR WALKING THE BIKE UP! We did take a break at the top of the hill, but I was so proud of her. I know that she was ready to give up, but I stayed right with her and continued to tell her that she could do it and SHE DID! It was so great!

We may have had to take a few more breaks with the two of the kids, but we made it the five miles with little to no whining once again. WINNING! I was SO incredibly proud of the both of them! I forsee lots of bike rides with all three of us in the future!

And last night... last night was Week 1 Day 1 of mommy and son 5k training! Ayden and I headed out in the great weather and got our run/walk on to the tune of a zombie instructor! I had the greatest time with the little man! He was telling me stories left and right and I was beaming at how great he was doing! I LOVE that he wants to run with me and it gives me a reason to continue to run and yet slowly work my knee back into commission with him. Week 1 Day 1 of training was a big success and we ran/walked just under 2 miles in 30 minutes. Bring on Week 1 Day 2! I am SO excited to be doing this with my little man! Now only if we could con his father into joining us, hehe! Boo on him having a hardworking job that has him exhausted at the end of the day, haha! Just kidding. He loves his job and if he loves his job, I love it for him!

Goal for tonight is swimming. Will have to talk with Ayden to see if he wants to join me or not. That will kind of depend on when I go. I hope that we stay active together like this for months and years to come!
Oh I'm in just a great mood right now. Even the incoming colder crappier weather cannot put me down!