Wednesday, May 22, 2013

{the doctor will see you now}

Graduation has come and gone! I'd love to sit hear and write about how completely amazingly awesome it was, but in all honesty it was kind of anti-climatic. There were definitely parts of it that were pretty awesome (getting hooded) and there were definitely parts of it that weren't super awesome (sitting in a hot stuffy gym).

Before I delve into the events of graduation, I need to extend some extra special thank yous to everyone who's supported me these last endless years! My family has stood by my side throughout it all... they have been amazing! Jay's family has become my family and they were all equally as awesome! My friends, my old bosses and co-workers in Point, my professors, my classmates, my supervisors, and my current boss and co-workers have been amazing! I am surrounded by the most amazing people! I love it and them! I could definitely not have made it this far without the support of each and everyone of them!

The morning of graduation, little man had a soccer game and he played his little heart out! He was on defense for most of the game and he brought it! He is turning into quite the little soccer star!

After soccer we loaded up and it was off to Stevens Point for graduation. We got just outside of Appleton and I was already sick of driving and we had an hour drive ahead of us yet. Gosh, I don't miss that drive. On the way there I wondered how we ever did that drive for seven years, haha! Yes, I do have a 45 minute drive to work every morning, but honestly, that is nothing compared an hour and a half! We made it with plenty of time to spare and I went to get my cap, gown, and hood... of which cost me $50 to rent for just two hours. Pooey on that! Afterwards, I met up with my classmate, Katie, we took a few pictures and then sent our families in to get seats while we headed to where we needed to line up. I have to admit, being the very first people to walk in, the only two getting hooded with Doctorate degrees... it all was pretty special to me!

Even though the ceremony itself seemed to take a long time, before we knew it, we were done and out the door and headed back home. I was kind of sad to get back to Point and then have to leave so quickly afterwards. It was home to use for such a long time that I still find myself missing it every now and then. I've been over it and over it how much we love living back closer to our family, but you can't just take the Point out of someone who lived there for so long. It totally grew on me... and apparently Ayden too because even at graduation he asked if we would ever move back there. I would in a heart beat buddy, but I don't think that your daddy would, haha!

My family treated us to supper at this delicious Italian restaurant and then we headed to Jay's aunt's house for a little birthday party for Jay's cousin... of whom I totally adore!

The rest of the weekend was pretty laid back. I started and finished a good book. The kind where you don't want to start another one after you are finished because you are too wrapped up in the characters of the first book. I hadn't read any books all winter, so it was definitely nice to sit outside in the sun for a little while, catch some rays, and lose myself in the world of someone else. Gotten myself back into a reading kick. I usually wax and wane with my reading... reading about five or six books, then stopping for a few months, then getting back into it. I love to read! Just love it!

Ayden and I have made it to Week 3 of our C25K training plan and we are still going strong! Last night we had a segment where we had to run for three minutes straight (which for us and running at Ayden's speed equates to about one time around the track) and we did it... twice! I am beginning to really look forward to that time with Ayden because it is just us, no distractions. It so cute on Monday when we ran... we were on a running segment and all of a sudden Ayden starts chanting something and I couldn't hear what it was a first and then I realized he was chanting to himself over and over that he could do it. He was saying 'I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!' It was the cutest thing ever! Melt this mama's heart, that is for sure! We'll see how next week goes when we are running five minute intervals.

I'm proud to say that I've been keeping up with my squat, plank, sit-up, and push-up challenge of the month. I'm up to 150 squats, 120 sit-ups, 45 push-ups, and 2 min 15 sec plank. Now, don't go thinking I'm superwoman because I don't do them all at once. I typically do about 10 of each and rotate through the three workouts... with some breaks and leave the plank until right before I crawl into bed. I'm not doing much for workouts other than my little bit of running with Ayden right now. I know my endurance has definitely suffered from taking a break, but that's okay. At this point in time I'm happy to just take things slow, as every now and then I still get some knee pain. Since I'll only be working three days a week starting next week, I'm definitely considering upping the ante on the workouts and adding some more cardio in there... possibly some Turbo Fire on the days that aren't conducive to being outside. Something additional, that's for sure! I'm also trying to be more conscious about what I'm putting in my body, albeit not always making the right choices... even so, it could definitely be worse and I know I'm trying. Darn that lovely almost hubby of my who was thinking of me at the grocery store last night when he knew I would enjoy a peanut square that neither of us has had in a long time! Oh... and it was nummy yummy goodness in my mouth!

Graduation pictures to come...