Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heat Wave

The weather was absolutely fabulous today and is supposed to be for the coming week! Ayden and I ventured outside for a little while and he played while I played. Only, he ended up soaking wet from the melting snow and I ended up with a bunch of pictures I could edit when we came back in. We both had fun!IMG_4487This is his ‘I’ll smile for you mom if you really want me to, but its going to be my new fake smile’ picture. He’s too young to have inherited the Moschel ‘fake smile’. I won’t let him inherit it, haha!IMG_4538IMG_4542IMG_4548I love the picture below this… with his little ‘Hoerth tongue’ sticking out. It’s SO him and SO his father! And his little button nose. I am in love with his nose and I hope it stays small and perfect like that forever! I hate my own nose, so I’m happy to see he has a small button nose (at least for now). IMG_4552This is his ‘I’m still a young innocent six year old (as he should be) smile’! It’s too cute! The love I have for this child bursts at the seams daily! There is truly nothing better than being a parent! He is physically a part of me. I made him (well half of him genetically speaking). What an amazing gift!IMG_4556IMG_4604And this is his ‘Super adorable mommy loves it smile’! I’m in love with the picture below this. Its another one that just pulls at my heart!IMG_4576Okay, enough mushiness… I’m just trying to put off studying for a test on Wednesday. UGH!