Monday, February 14, 2011

Motivation Stagnation

Warning! My motivation is LOST! Needs to be found ASAP!

I’ve hit a slump in the semester and we are only four and a half weeks in! Wow, that’s bad! But it’s now when the tests are starting to come up and some assignments are starting to come due and other projects need to be started. And my brain decided to take a vacation this past weekend and I couldn’t concentrate to save my life. Actually, I can’t concentrate today either to save my life! UGH! It’s horrible! I SO want to be able to study for my Pathologies test and I NEED to do good on it, but I just cannot stay concentrated. I need like a review session with someone or something to help keep me on the right page because I’m feeling Springitis already! Yes, I know that that isn’t a word, but I just officially made it one… Springitis has reached into the depths of my veins and my brain and decided to tell any logical part of me to take a hike!

For example, at this point in time, I am blogging when I could should be studying. My good ole blog is NOT helping! I think the worst part is that there is SO much that I feel like I need to know for this upcoming test and I don’t know it and it just sucks and I don’t want to take it and then I have another project that is due this weekend that I haven’t even started and another paper that is due next Monday that I haven’t even started (although we get time in class to work on it today so I’m hoping to get the majority of it written then because it only needs to be two pages long).

UPDATE… during the few hours after starting this post, then saving it and going to class, I have come into contact with some of my lost motivation. The class in which I needed to write the two page paper was probably my most productive 50 minutes of my day thus far. I am happy to announce that I have one page of my two page paper done! Sure, it really isn’t that much, especially when it is double spaced, but hey, its definitely a start! I didn’t really want to start it, I was procrastinating again, but then I just started, I mean I didn’t have anything else that I wanted to do or could do so I just started typing and now I am just about half way done. Just like that! Of course, the paper itself is just a summary of some previous answers that I already took care of, so its not as if I put a lot of work into it. Oh heck, I’m proud I got what I did done, and you should be too, hehe!

But, that doesn’t mean my wanting to study motivation has moved back in whatsoever… if you see that wandering around somewhere, please bottle it up, and send it back to me… ASAP!

I miss my honeykins! Jay’s been gone since Thursday night… that’s three full days since myself or Ayden have seen him. Ayden keeps asking when he is going to come back, boo! Ayden and I have been doing fine alone, we always do, we cope. We have our fun! He was normally well behaved this weekend. Jay will be coming home Wednesday afternoon to get a few things done, pick Ayden up from school and then head back to ‘home’ again for more sturgeon fishing (pending he doesn’t get a fish tomorrow morning or Wednesday morning and the season doesn’t close before then).

The sucky thing is that I don’t get home until 7pm Wednesday nights and so by the time I get home, he will be ready to leave so he doesn’t have to drive at like midnight. Boo again! And so we’ll get probably an hour or two together at most before he leaves again for another four days. Insert sad face here!