Friday, May 13, 2011

Action Shot(s)

It's Friday and my mood is already pretty good, but it just got about a million times better! Have you heard of Pioneer Woman?! If not, click here and check out her website/blog. She posts a TON of amazing recipes, AWESOME photography tutorials, GREAT homeschooling advice, and just lots of other amazing things! Anyways, every now and then she hosts these photography contests where people submit photos to her Flickr group, she selects the ones she likes best, and posts about ten or so for five or six days. Then, out of the ones that she posts, she picks the top five or so and then either everyone on her blog votes for the top one or she picks the top one. Each contest has a specific theme. This week's contest is 'Action Shots' and I submitted the following picture.IMG_9576I have previously submitted pictures for a few other contests, but didn't think I had even a one in a million chance of being picked... especially after all of the other great shots that I had seen submitted. I mean, hundreds of thousands of pictures are submitted for these contests and Pioneer Woman has to go through all of them and select the ones she likes best.

Her only rule is that you can only submit one picture a day. I had another picture that I was going to submit... this one...IMG_5079...but I forgot to submit it the next day.

Anyways... GUESS WHAT?!?! The picture that I submitted... SHE PICKED IT as one of her favorites for Day 2. How totally awesome superly great is that?! Once again, after I had submitted it, I didn't think it would get selected at all just because I didn’t think it would be good enough and she has to look through so many pictures! To even be considered one of the top 50 or 60 that she liked is pretty cool. She picks a top ten or so and then out of those picks a winner for a super nice gift card. Now wouldn’t that be sweet… but I won’t keep my hopes up for anything.

I’m just super excited to be featured for this contest!

I’m done with classes for the next few weeks, yeah! I have four of my six grades already… three ‘A’s and one ‘A-‘ which isn’t too bad. I’m hoping for at least two more ‘A’s, but won’t be too upset if they are both ‘A-'s, just so long as they aren’t anything worse than that because I don’t think I deserve anything lower than that with the grades I have gotten in both classes so far this semester.

I start my clinical placement on Monday. I’m a little nervous, but yet excited at the same time because I’m ready to get it started (and to get it over with) because the sooner I can get it over with, the sooner I can get started with my SUMMER!

We have a full day tomorrow and it starts early… soccer in the morning and then a cub scouts event pretty much all day so I am going to check out early tonight, curl up in bed with my book and drift off to dream land before the alarm wakes me up again…