Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ripped in 30: Week 3

Day 15: Week 3 Day 1 really brought it. I really liked a lot of these exercises better than week too because they weren’t so hard on my wrists like some of the other ones. With that being said, it still kicked my butt and I needed to pause the DVD about three times during the 20 minute workout… usually halfway through the cardio portion. I really wanted to skip the extra elliptical portion afterwards, but I pushed myself through it (having to stop just a few times as well, even with only having to do 15 minutes).

Day 16: I can’t say that today was any easier than yesterday, but I made myself do the whole workout, plus the elliptical. My ankles hurt a lot more today than any of my previous days of workout. Much of this routine has a lot of leg exercise and so I don’t know if it is just because my ankles are week or I am doing the exercises wrong. My legs hurt a little more today as well making it harder to move around. Thankfully it is the weekend. I think I’m most proud that I’ve worked out 16 days in a row now. That is totally awesome!

Day 17: Done. That’s all I can say.

Day 18: Again…done…

Day 19: Skipped today. If I wanted to get my work out in today, I would have had to gotten up at 5:30am and folks, that is a little too early for me. I was gone from the house by 7:20am and didn’t get home last night until almost 9:30pm (I was visiting with friends after clinic) and so after 18 straight days of working out… I finally skipped one and will just out it as my day off, although usually on my days off I still go on the elliptical. 

Day 20: I wanted to skip today, but of course I didn’t. I’m liking the results too much to start skipping days here and there, so I didn’t. Although I didn’t get up and do it in the morning either… rather, did it tonight after supper. I managed to make it through the whole workout without having to pause the workout though which I thought was a good accomplishment in and of itself.

Day 21: Finished up Week 3 today!

Overall Impression of Week 3: I liked the exercises from this week a lot more than Week 2. It seemed like Jillian didn’t work my arms as much (although I know that that isn’t true because I think my triceps hurt more at the end of each workout than before), but we didn’t have to be in the plank pose as much and I liked that because I HATE plank pose. This week was definitely hard, but I… cough… cough… actually enjoyed it. Ha! Bring it on Week 4!!!