Monday, May 2, 2011

If it doesn't hurt...'re not doing it right.

If you're not out of breath... you're not doing it right.

If your heart rate has not sky rocketed... you're not doing it right.

I started working out on Friday, completed the routine Saturday and Sunday, and was too lazy to get up at 5:45am this morning to get it in (but I'm motivated to do it tonight). And... I HURT! It seems like every muscle in my body hurts! That's what I get though, I'm so out of shape and the whole point is to get into shape!

I'm doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 program (it's been called the newer version of her 30 Day Shred program). I'm going to be doing weekly posts about my progress and what I think, so be sure to look for those! I'm committed to finishing a month of workouts. I've done a month of eating good with no soda, a lot less snacks (which has also equated to a lot less eating out), and less calorie intake. I've seen results, but now it's time to tone up and tuck in!

I don't want to talk too much about it because then you'll be bored by my weekly posts because it will all just be the same thing. So enough about that.

I had a good weekend home alone. I didn't do a whole lot besides read, work out, and watch TV. I was ready for my boys to come home last night and cuddled with Ayden on the couch for a few minutes before he went to bed because they didn't get home until almost 9pm and he had to get up early this morning for school. I finished the book that I started last week. It was good, although it is the first of a three part series and the other two books are not out yet so I have to wait for them in order to find out the ending. The first one definitely left in a cliff hanger which I was disappointed about, but what do you expect. Although, it was the author had you believing one thing throughout the whole book and then told you at the end it wasn't true and left you hanging. I hate those kind of endings, only because now I have to wait until July for the next book to come out. Boo! There is another book series that I want to start, but our library doesn't have them all and I want to read them in order, well I'd like to and buying them all on my Kindle would be super expensive since there is like 17 books in the series. Maybe I can find a boxed set of them?! Or check Goodwill?! We'll see, I need to make it through finals before I start diving into books again.

We don't have any plans this weekend, despite the fact that it is Mother's Day. I told Jay that maybe we would go out to eat that morning and I would splurge. We aren't going home, it just costs too much with the price of gas. And then we have something going on the weekend after for cub scouts and the weekend after that for cub scouts as well. And by that time we are almost at the end of May already! I think that I am going to blink and that the summer will be over, ugh! I hope not! I think I'm most looking forward to the warm weather though. I had to get my winter coat out again today because it was cold out this morning (although I've been known to be a cold wimp).

I have four (maybe five) potential photo shoots for later this summer/early fall and I'm excited. Two are for family and I don't charge family, one is in exchange for a photo shoot of my family, and the other one (maybe two) is for an old high school acquaintance which would include family/maternity pictures and a potential newborn shoot. That would be exciting, although I've never done a newborn shoot so I told the lady that if she wanted me to try, I would, but that I wouldn't charge her for them if she didn't like them since it would be my first time trying it. I've only shot one other small baby and she was already about one/two months old and not very squishy anymore like newborns. Oh, and I did Jay's cousin at three months, and she definitely wasn't squishy newborn anymore!

I have one presentation left to give today and then I'm done with those for the semester. Maybe it's just me, but it seemed like the third year students were so much more stressed out at this time last year than we are trying to get everything done. I feel like we've definitely had enough to do, but that I've been able to get it all done and not get too overly stressed out. Now it's time to hunker down and study for those finals. Can we say ugh?!