I feel lately that I haven’t just sat down and wrote about how I am feeling in life, rather just a few sentences about what it going on and then hitting ‘publish’. I love to write. I love to write not only about what is going on in my life, but how I am feeling about what is going on… and just about how I am feeling in general.
Getting everything done for school these past few weeks hasn’t been nearly as stressful as I had anticipated it would be, but it definitely was more time consuming than I would have liked. I really enjoy not having to worry about any finals to study for, any projects to complete, or anything school related in general. It just feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I haven’t even been done for that long, lol! I am looking forward to life where I come home at the end of the day and its just completely family time. I no longer have to tell Ayden that mommy needs to study or that mommy needs to finish some homework. That part definitely sucks, but he is definitely better at understanding it now that he is a little older and is in school himself.
I just feel very good about life in general right now, like a sort of peace and overall happiness about everything has settled over me. I LOVE this feeling and wish it would stick around forever. I realize that life has its ebbs and flows and it will not always be this great so for the time being I am going to revel in it. Ayden is growing and thriving and the light of my life and Jay and I are getting along great and everything just feels so peachy keen. Yes, I know, I’m being mushy gushy miss positivity pants here, but I can’t help it. I think of my life and I just smile. That’s not saying that I don’t have my bad moments… that Jay and I never get into spats (ie: just the other day when he got home from work we got into it about something stupid and I left to go take my last final with him being pissy at me, but we got over it) and its not to say that Ayden doesn’t misbehave because he does. But lately, life is just good, no great! And I am SO thankful for that! I am thankful for it EVERY day (even the not so great days)!
I’ve been working out (16 straight days now) and eating healthier and I am feeling a lot better about my body image, although it was never horrible to begin with. I feel like I’m at a plateau right now… stuck right around the 123lbs mark, which makes my loss about 10lbs since the beginning of April. I would like it to be a little more, but I know that I am gaining muscle and that weighs more than fat so that could be why I am not losing anymore (and the fact that I haven’t been as on with my healthy eating these past two weeks). I’m hoping to get ‘back on track’ with clinic starting on Monday. I know that I already said that, but with being gone from probably 7:30-5/5:30 each day, it will definitely cut out my snacking abilities. And the best part is that I’ve gotten Jay to start working out as well! I shouldn’t being saying this, but it is after all, my blog… he needs to lose the weight more than I do. He’s put on a good 50+ pounds since high school. Now okay, he definitely needed to add some poundage after high school. The guy practically starved himself for wrestling. Anyways, I’m not going to sit here and call my fiancĂ© fat because he isn’t, but he’s well on his way there. Yes, I said it. If he continues down the path that he is on, intake more than output, he will end up that way. So, it’s a family lifestyle change (although my stick thin son could stand to gain a few more pounds on him, hehe). And what’s even better, in just the last week of working out, Jay has already dropped 7 lbs! GO him! He’s doing the P90X workout that a friend of his no longer was using and sent to him. It’s definitely a killer workout (I’ve watched a few of the DVDs and done a little bit of them myself) and there is NO way that I could do the entire hour. I will stick with my 20 minute Jillian workouts.
So, I already have the Ripped in 30 DVD and I am loving it. I think once I am done with this DVD, I am going to start the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD and see how I like that. I’ve read really good reviews about it as well. I was a Target the other day, but didn’t think to look if they had it because that was where I had gotten my Ripped in 30 DVD (only to realize later that Walmart had it too, only for a lower price) and after Target I went to Walmart to get the DVD, only to realize they didn’t have it. Then I went to Best Buy which is right next door thinking that they almost HAD to have it, but once again, they DIDN’T! And there was no way I was going all the way back across town to Target to see if they had it, so I have to wait. This one is longer… about 40-50 minutes I think, but if I do this one, I think I am going to cut out the elliptical at the end. We’ll see though. Need to finish up my Ripped in 30 first! I’ve become a shoe whore. More of a heel whore actually. I now own (I think) three different pair of high heels and my super cute high heeled boots, and I want the pair below SO bad! Aren’t they adorbs?! I have to have them, and like NOW! Despite the fact that I have just about NO where to wear them too, hehe! We’ll see because I do happen to have $10 Kohls cash (but only because I had a 20% off and I had to use it- on the bright side though, I found coordinating shirts for both Jay and Ayden for our two family photo shoots coming up, yes I did say TWO. One is for just our family and one is at the end of June for Jay’s mom’s side of the family, and no we can’t just wear the same thing!)
I’m thinking about going spray tanning tomorrow. It was going to be my ‘gift’ to myself once I finished Ripped in 30, along with a body wrap, but I recently got some coupons in the mail for half off a spray tan and I want to use it before it goes bad. I want to be tan for our family pictures, but I want to make sure the spray tan doesn’t turn me a weird color first. So I thought going tomorrow might be a good idea to give it a try, since it is only going to be like $10-15. I also decided that I think I am going to forgo the body wrap in favor of getting my hair highlighted. I’d love the body wrap (I think) since it says it will get rid of inches off my body, but at this point, I don’t think there is many inches left to get rid of (side note: the muffin top when I put on my jeans and button them is pretty much NONexsistent at this point!) and it wouldn’t be worth the extra cost because it is upwards of like $90 for it. I think I’ll put that money towards my hair instead because I haven’t gotten it cut or colored since the beginning of January (and actually that was just a cut, haven’t colored probably since last August). Both Jay and Ayden need haircuts before our pictures as well. We got a coupon in the mail for a free haircut for Ayden as well and I cut Jay’s hair so that is free. Actually, I could cut Ayden’s hair as well, but I don’t want it buzzed for our pictures like it was last year.
I took a wonderful nap today and I expect to get to sleep in tomorrow. I was up at 5:45am this morning… on a SATURDAY! That was nutso! But I wanted to get my workout in before we have to leave for soccer and Ayden’s game was at 8:30am. That meant, getting up… eating breakfast, working out for almost an hour (you know, with the time it takes to get the DVD set up, warm up and cool down, and with the extra few minutes it takes me because I take breaks) and then get ready for almost an hour before leaving. Yes, it takes me almost an hour to get ready… if I blow dry my hair and put make-up on and today I wanted to curl it with the flat iron, although I don’t know how much good that did because it was flat and straight as a board by the time we got home anyways.
After soccer, it was off to Ayden’s cub-a-ree event where I had to spend another two hours outside in the freezing cold and wind (which is why my hair didn’t stay curled). He got to play kickball with his buddies and we went on a nature hike and learned about wildlife conservation before getting home at just after 2pm where I proceeded to sit on the couch, read for a half hour and then take a nap. I was pooped! I thought Ayden would for sure clonk out with me because of all the fresh air he had, but he didn’t. He played good all afternoon.
He is sleeping in a tent we have set up in our basement tonight. Who does that sort of stuff, hehe?! Jay set it up because he wanted to see how big it was because they are going to use it when him and Ayden go to the cub scouts camp this summer and its too cold to set it up outside right now and what is better than getting to sleep in a tent inside?! Um… pretty much NOTHING! Hehe!
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