Another week, come and gone. Days are just flying by faster than I can blink. I get up in the morning, get ready for clinic (work), spend a few minutes cuddling with Ayden on the couch, drop him off at before school care, give hearing tests and fit hearing aids all day long, come home, have supper, work out, watch a little bit of TV with the family, then head to bed… all before doing it over again the next day. I’m starting to think that this whole career thing is a little more than it’s cracked up to be, ha! I love my me time a little too much to want to work ALL day long EVERY day of the week. Maybe I will luck out with a job like my previous supervisor who has every other Friday off… who knows?!?! It’s just that, although I know that I would NOT make a good stay at home mom FULL time, I feel like I only get to see Ayden a few measly hours each day and its not enough for me. And then I think… I want more kiddos and will just be starting my job when we can have more kids which means any future kiddos will be at daycare ALL day long EVERY day.
Ayden went to daycare, yes… but for the first year of his life, it was only three days a week. When we moved to Point, it was everyday, but it was not ALL day because our class schedules allowed for us to pick him up rather early in the afternoon and I felt like I got to spend a lot more time with him. Granted, given that we are not homeschooling, he has to go to school and that is from 9am-3:30pm so it is a good portion of the day. I don’t know where I am going with this, other than I just want the next three weeks to go fast so Ayden and I can enjoy our summer afternoons together going to the park, having picnics, going for walks and bike rides, and SWIMMING! And mostly I want some good warm weather too! Hehe!
But, as much as I dislike that clinic goes ALL day long, I am really enjoying what I am doing. I love helping people hear better and seeing how grateful they are for the simple fixes I am able to do. The days have been just flying by and my supervisor is just great! She is letting me be very independent as I’ve said before, but she is SO willing to put up with all of my questions and I love that. I am definitely feeling more confident than I was even two weeks ago and its great! I’ll get over the whole being gone all day long because I know in the future, it will be just that that provides for our family and being able to help provide for our family will make up for it at least a little bit. I haven’t been able to bring much to the table money wise for the last six years (except for thousands upon thousands of dollars in student loans) and being the main bread winner in the house once I graduate will feel kind of nice. At least I’ll keep my fingers crossed that a good paying job is in the cards for me because these student loans won’t pay themselves back. It’s just sad that my one class and clinic is costing me $2500 this summer! UGH!
Anyways, this post is about new beginnings… there are a few of them going on around here. The first one is that this past Tuesday went ventured to a deer farm just outside of town with Ayden’s cub scout pack and went in search of some baby deer to tag. We scoured an 18 acre penned in area of woods that apparently had 22 (or 24) does in (not that I saw even ONE) in search of any fawns that had been born. On our third and final pass one of the families came upon a little fawn (and let me tell you, these things are not easy to spot) and about 25 feet away the fawn’s twin brother was spotted.
This is the little girl that we found. The owner takes the girls out of the pen and then bottle feeds them. I’m not quite sure why he does that, but I’m sure he explained it and I wasn’t paying that much attention. I was just too focused on this cute little lady. She just laid there the whole time (probably scared out of her little mind with all of the people around her).Ayden laying next to the little lady. Too cute! All of the boys in his pack got to lay down next to the baby fawn.
Here is the twin brother. He was a little more feisty and got away from us once, but we soon caught up to him and got him tagged. After we tagged him, we held him for a little bit and then let him go run off and find mommy again.
Ayden and his cub scout pack and their leader (who by the way is totally AWESOME)! They are all holding fawns that are little bit older than the ones that we found in the woods.
And of course, I had to get in there and hold one of those super little cuties. Ayden wasn’t as brave though.
Another new beginning?! Jay’s NEW JOB! Yes, that’s right, my honey got a new job! How exciting! He wasn’t really unhappy at his current job. He likes what he’s doing, but the current company will not provide the opportunity for him to advance or make more money and at this point in time we NEED more income and the opportunity to advance. The new place is a bigger landscaping company that will pay more and will give that opportunity to move up and play a bigger role. He is excited, but was a little bummed to have to give the news to his current boss today. But he made it through, gave the news, and survived.
Ayden and I had fun chasing some baby ducks around today after school trying to catch one. I don’t think the mommy ducks liked us very much, but we didn’t even come close to catching one so I suppose that it doesn’t matter. We had to keep watch for the mommy geese that were near by because they are much more protective of their babies and they kept hissing at us when we would get too close and neither of us really wanted to be chased by a goose today. It was nice to get outside for a little while with my little boy. We took a nice long walk and he was telling me story after story… I just love times like that. We had about an hour and a half of just mommy and Ayden time and then after we got home, Jay took Ayden to the driving range and they hit some golf balls so he got some daddy and Ayden time in tonight as well. Even better!
The flowers in our yard are just starting to bloom so I’ve been busy with my camera lately trying to get some unique shots. Here are just a few…
This first one Ayden actually told me to take of him. I didn’t even ask for any pictures of him, hehe. Look how long that hair is getting! I think he definitely needs a little bit of a hair cut before our family pictures next weekend.We had some beautiful tulips pop up in our yard. I was so happy that they came up!
And… some bleeding hearts! They are so pretty and these next few pictures turned out really well, at least I think so anyways.
I think this one might be my favorite of the bunch though…
The rest of our weekend holds soccer tomorrow, a relaxing Sunday, and golfing for Jay, Ayden, and Jay’s
loverboy friend JT in the morning and then some afternoon racing… and hopefully some nice warm hot sunny weather!
Can’t wait!
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