Saturday, September 15, 2012

{my own 30 day challenge: PART 1}

I have challenged myself to do some sort of physical activity for all 30 days of September. Given that I know I need/should give my body at least one day of rest during the week, my 'off' days will contain only short/non grueling activities, but it will still be something. My goal for the other days of the week is 30-60 minutes of activity, be it a workout DVD, swimming, rollerblading, or even bike riding or walk/running, just something! Wish me luck (even though I am posting this after the 30 days is up.)Today is...

Day 1: TurboFire Fire 30. Not going to lie, I had to stop after the f ire drills for more than just the allotted 60 seconds, it was more like 2 or 3 minutes. Didn't realize that just two months of not working out consistently could put me so far back at the beginning. But I pushed through! It probably didn't help that I hadn't eaten anything before working out. Not super smart there either. Day 1 is done and I feel good!

Day 2: 3.3 mile bike ride with little man and 3.5 walk with my bestie! Went to bed last night feeling a little sore after a long day of photographing a wedding and then could barely get my pj shirt off this morning because I was so sore... a good muscle sore, but still sore. Thought I wouldn't over do it today and keep it low key with a bike ride and walk and my eating was pretty decent today as well. Still trying to keep up with my water intake. Day 2 in the books!

Day 3: ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 3. Despite still feeling a little sore this morning, I busted out a half hour of strength training. Hoping to get in a little bit more today... maybe another short bike . Didn't end up doing any other grueling exercise, but we did walk to and from the fair which counts for something, right?

Day 4: C25K Week 1 Day 1. I hate running, but I would love to become a 'runner'... I know, crazy dream of mine. So I thought I would try the C25K program (again). I had previously tried it shortly before we moved from Point and made it through Week 1. This time I am determined to make it all the way through. Last nights run went well and there were even some points that I enjoyed. Wish me luck!

Day 5: TurboFire Fire 30. No stopping during the workout today. Doesn't mean it was any easier than it was on Day 1, but hey, I made it all the way through and was drenched in sweat by the end. Feeling good. Definitely needed some cardio today, even though I didn't feel like working out at all. One of the ladies at work brought in chocolate covered almonds and mini peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's and believe you me, I definitely had my fair share! SO yummy!

Day 6: C25K Week 1 Day 2. Can't say today was any easier, in fact, I think part of it was harder. I started off good, got to the middle and wanted to quit, and then finished strong. Hoping to keep this up as the amount I have to run increases. One more day of walk 90 seconds, run 60, for 8 intervals and then it's run 90, walk 60 next week! I also busted out Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Week 1 tonight as well. Needed to compensate for my semi crappy eating today. Hoping to actually feel some kind of muscle soreness tomorrow, although I could do without the shin splints that I can feel slowly coming on.

Day 7: ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 2. Seriously ate like crap today. My supervisor brought in bagels and donuts to work. Had a chocolate chip bagel with cream cheese and half a glazers donut, then half a Jimmy Johns sub and a small bag of chips then at least a cup of chocolate covered almonds (hey, they were almonds, that was halfway healthy, right?!), and at least two chocolate chip cookies on top of a bowl of noodles for supper and definitely not enough water for the day. Should probably have done an hour of cardio, but just wasn't in the mood. Wasn't in the mood for working out at all, but told myself that I would feel bad if I gave up on my goal of working out every day already, so I made myself get up and work out for the 37 minutes. Helping build some muscle. Tomorrow is back to running and probably (hopefully) more cardio!

Day 8: Short walk. No hardcore workouts for me today. I had two photoshoots during which I did some walking, but nothing full out. I had every intention of doing something that was actual physical work at night, but I had such a bad headache in the afternoon that I ended up spending the rest of the day laying down in bed watching Lifetime movies.

Day 9: C25K Week 1 Day 3. Dare I say I might slowly be starting to like running, especially when I am listening to some good music. Ready for Week 2!

Day 10: C25K Week 2 Day 1. Running for 1.5 minutes without stopping for intervals this week. I killed it. I enjoyed it. I turned my music up really loud, tuned out everything else, and just ran. Okay, ran, walked, ran, walked, etc... and I felt good. And my shins feel good. Might have something to do with running on a track... I actually felt like I could go out again last night and run it again. Going to try running Week 2 every day this week. We'll see how that goes.

Day 11: C25K Week 2 Day 2. UGH! As much as I said that I loved Week 2 yesterday, I hate it times 10 today. I was unable to run on the track at the time that I wanted to (okay, so maybe I could have, but there was a football game going on and I decided it probably wouldn't be very nice of me to be running around the track in front of all of the fans) and so I ran on the sidewalks around town. Let me tell you, running on a flat track is MUCH easier than up and down hills. Wanted to die today, but pushed through! Hell yeah!

Day 12: C25K Week 2 Day 3. Back to the track it was and busted it out!

Day 13: Didn't work out today. Insert sad face here. Instead spent the night at my dad's celebrating my youngest sister's birthday with family! It was a great night and we had some great food!

Day 14: No workout for me today either. Brewer's game with some co-workers. Ate well until supper, then it was sort of down hill, but tried to keep it semi good. Definitely feeling guilty for not working out two days in a row, but it wasn't going to kill me.

Day 15: 5K walk this morning with a bunch of good friends. Walk at the apple orchard and through a corn maze (don't think it was quite long enough to walk off the carmel apple I had eaten prior, but at least I had a good lunch!) and a 2.45 mile run/walk tonight for C25K Week 3 Day 1! I totally thought I was still on Week 2, but little did I remember that there are only three days in the Week for the program and just hit go when I started. I was able to run two three minute stretches today and was SO proud of myself! This may not seem like a big feat, but for someone who could barely run for 60 seconds two weeks ago, this is awesome in my books! Feeling better after two 'off' days! (Although, we do need those from time to time.)

Bring it on PART 2!



Sarah said...

After reading that, I'm exhausted! I'm going to take a nap in YOUR honor! lol (In all seriousness though, AWESOME job!)
