Sunday, September 9, 2012

{new friends}

We have been home all day today and yet I've seen my child probably less than two hours total. The reason for that... he has made a new best friend, our next door neighbor. When we moved into our house, one of our neighbors told us that there were two little boys who lived in the house next to us (and as an aside, that particular house was one that I happened to tour with my dad WAY back in the day when he was looking at houses before he found the current one he is living at, so I saw the inside at one point). Since the beginning of the summer, Ayden has periodically played with the kiddos from next door, but it was usually by happen stance when they both seemed to be outside at the same time. Until yesterday.

Yesterday, the older of the two boys came over and asked Ayden to play with him. Just so happens that the older brother is also eight and also in the third grade at the same school as Ayden. Too bad it is not in the same class with the same teacher, but someone next door the SAME age as Ayden. I smell a great friendship in the future. The two have been inseperable ALL day today! ALL day! They have gone from playing outside, to playing inside at our place to playing inside at his place, to outside again. The two are having a great friend. And me, I love that my little man has made a friend so easily.

It makes my mommy soul smile to know that us moving halfway across the state while Ayden is so young really hasn't done any permanent damage. Okay, maybe it has, hehe! Just kidding! Anyone open to paying for his therapy bills?! He really has some big problems. Personally, I think he's just a little too attached to his dad, lol! Wait, I meant his legos. Actually, I think it's his mom. Or all of the above. And now I have just become the crazy one myself!

I had two photo shoots yesterday and they both went well. I am in the process of editing the wedding I photographed last weekend and then need to do the ones from this weekend. I have one wedding next month for my cousin's cousin. We photographed the groom's brother's wedding last year together. I expect to have at least two more shoots before the winter hits. An engagement shoot and a family/child shoot that still need to be scheduled. It has been a busy summer full of photo shoots and I wouldn't have it any other way. It has definitely been a fun summer of meeting and photographing new people. This coming from the introvert that I am. Going into audiology has definitely opened me up to interacting with people on a daily basis. I never thought I would be in a career that deals with being face to face with new people on a daily basis and now I am. It becomes easier and easier every day.

I have successfully finished Week 1 of the Couch to 5K program. Okay, so running three times in one week really isn't all that much of an accomplishment, but truth be told, I am excited to start Week 2 tomorrow. My shins are doing okay. I want to become a runner. I want to enjoy running. I want to run a 5K! Like the whole thing! As I started out today I cranked the music on my phone to an inapproriately loud level and started off. The music was pumping me up and all I really wanted to do was start waving my arms in the arm and sing out loud as loud as I could, but there were people around and I'm just a wee bit self conscious. I am slowly getting over the running in front of people thing, but I'm sure they would have dialed up the insane asylum pretty fast if I would have started waving my arms around and singing along. The super loud music really kept me going though and there were a few times where I was supposed to slow down to a walk where I just wanted to keep running. I am slightly bummed that in the coming weeks it is going to be getting colder out... the colder it gets the less likely I am going to want to run outside. But I need to keep motivated, at least until I have finished the C25K plan! My eating, still working on that one.