Sunday, September 9, 2012

{life lately}

Ayden has been back in school for almost an entire week and reports from his teacher, his grandma, and even other students in the school all have been good. Apparently we’ve got eyes everywhere on him in school and his teacher reports that it seems like he has been there for years now. All everything that a mom would like to hear. Although, we did find out that he didn’t know how to spell his last name. A complete surprise to me because I thought he already knew, but I suppose that he hasn’t had to write it out on anything in forever that maybe he didn’t recall. In any case, after one night of practicing, he now knows how to spell it without delay. Yippee! We have also had no complaints about getting up early in the morning for school and/or complaints about actually going to school. I do realize that this is just the first week and that could very well change at any point, but I will take that as a good sign. His teacher seems like a blessing and I am very excited to see what this year brings! Bring it on third grade, Ayden is going to rock your socks off like you wouldn’t believe!

Jay and I were butting heads a bit last week, but things between us seem to be back on track and we have been doing really well this week. Just like life ebbs and flows, so do relationships. I’ll take the bad with the good anytime because I know that all relationships are NOT perfect and that there will be times that you will have to work at them. But as long as we are not having to work at keeping our relationship together, I don’t mind having to work through little rough patches. Okay, so I do mind having to work through the rough patches because no one likes the rough patches, but like I said, I will take the bad with the good. I think almost everyone would.

My online class started this week. Definitely not really looking forward to it, but I suppose getting through it is one more step closer to graduating and being done. And I will take that! At least with this semester I will not have to present until the second last week, whereas last semester I was the first one to present. I don’t remember if I told you (not that you all care), but I got two A’s on both of my classes this summer and an ‘A’ for my clinic grade which was awesome! Rockin’ out the last year of grad school, that is for sure!

I was hoping to hold off on posting about this, but I cannot. I cannot keep anything inside for very long. Don’t worry, it is nothing too overly exciting or such awesome news. For the month of September I have challenged myself to workout EVERY day. I do know that I should have an ‘off’ day during the week and during my ‘off’ days I am going to just do something low impact. So far I am six days in and I am logging what I am doing each day and how I am feeling about it. I will post the first half next week after I am halfway done. And I know that working out six days in a row (so far) is really nothing too exciting, but it is exciting for me because this summer has been VERY hard for me to stay consistent with working out. I have decided to not do any specific program straight… like just Turbo Fire. Instead I am mixing it up with a lot of things to help prevent boredom, which I think is a big part of my problem. I am rollerblading, biking, walking, Turbo Firing, ChaLEAN Extremeing, Jillian Michaelsing… all sorts of things. I am however starting the Couch 2 5K Program and I have currently made it through Day 2. Such an accomplishment, I know, lol! I hesitate to write too much about it right now because I am blogging about it on my Challenge post, but suffice to say, I am surviving so far. The eating… well that has been semi okay since I’ve started. I am trying not to over indulge and I am trying not to limit myself too much. I am also trying not to focus on the scale. I am not doing this to lose any weight (although that would be a bonus), I am really just trying to focus on becoming more fit, sticking a goal for a full month, and seeing some awesome results. At the end of eight weeks I would really LOVE to be able to run a 5K without stopping as well and whatever the scale says at that point is pretty much moot because I’d be able to run 3.1 miles WITHOUT STOPPING! Believe you me, it is hard enough right now for me to run even 60 seconds without stopping!

And so… that is my life lately!