Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Um, there is nothing that a woman likes more than when her (future) husband brings home her some surprise chocolate. Unless that woman is trying to eat right and be healthy and get fit. Oh no, I don't need to self sabotage my healthy eating... that is what Jay is for. Love you my dear, love that you would surprise me with my favorite kind of chocolate... peanut butter M&Ms, but seriously, right as I'm working so hard to rein in my bad eating habits. Love it, just love it, haha!

Is it normal for the scale to go up when you start running? My scale just seems to be continuing to increase. Not even just staying the same, like going up! Ack! Forgive me as I throw it out of the window one of these days. I said I had no problem of not losing any more weight, but gaining, heck yeah I have a problem with that. I didn't think I was pigging out THAT much! Maybe it is time to start the calorie counting again because then I will know for sure what I am taking in. Time to make use of that My Fitness Pal app on my phone again. I think we might need to become friends again.

The Lifetime Network and I became good friends again over the weekend. I watched a lot of good Lifetime movies that I had not seen yet and for the most part they were good. Not blockbusters, but your typical Lifetime movies. I needed a good weekend of those kind of movies. It has been WAY too long. It felt nice. And I didn't feel like I was neglecting my son while watching them because he was playing with his buddies the ENTIRE day! Friends, we may have a problem on our hands here. Haha! Actually, Ayden was very good yesterday about finishing his homework with me before going over to play with his buddies and both of the little boys that he plays with are very friendly. It really just makes this momma happy!

The beginning of this week started off kind of slow. I had yesterday off from clinic as they were still installing the new sound booth. No sound booth and an office in disarray means no patients. Coming in today, I found that the sound booth is now in; however, things are still in a pretty big state of disarray. I think it will definitely take a week or two before everything is back to how it needs to be. That is okay, I suppose. I think the rest of the week is going to fly by though. On Thursday night we are going over to my dad's house to celebrate my youngest sister's 8th birthday. I know my sister will be there and I am assuming that my brother will be there as well. So there goes our Thursday night. Not that we had anything else major planned for that night. Oh wait, I think that the Packers play that night. Not that I watch the Packers though. Friday afternoon, we are closing the clinic office a bit early and my supervisor is treating everyone to a Brewers game. This time, I am not driving my car. I WILL make it to the game and I WILL be having a lot of fun. Saturday morning I am participating in a 5k Walk for Wellness with a few friends and I am excited about that as well. I would love to try and run/walk it, but because I am doing it with my friends who are not runners, I don't want to leave them behind. But believe you me, I do plan on running an entire 5k! There is one at the end of October that I am considering signing up for it. It is in the Fox Valley and it would come right at the end of my training. I would love to sign up for a 10k or half marathon in the Spring sometime already as something to work towards, but I would love to find someone to do it with first. Of course I could run it alone, but training and running with someone would be much more fun and keep me on my goal... because lord knows that Jay would never do it with me. This is something I would really love to do and so I am going to try my hardest to keep at it. Maybe I should just sign up for the 5k at the end of October already, go run it, and then treat myself to an awesome pair of running shoes afterwards?! What do you think? Also, anyone local that happens to read my blog, know of a good place that I could go to get fit for the right pair of running shoes? I'm guessing that what I am wearing right now are semi okay since I am not in serious pain or anything, but I would love a killer pair of shoes that will do me good!

I mean check out these pieces of awesomeness! Wouldn't you love to be doning these on your feet? I know I would!

I have decided that I seriously need to get my butt into gear and post some pictures on my blog. I have been way slacking when it comes to posting pictures. I also need to update my photography blog. I have been so busy with other photo shoots that I have forgotten to do that.

It is almost the end of my day at clinic, I've been writing this throughout the day when I have a free moment to spare (and I will most likely post this when I get home tonight), and I am SO tired and my back is killing me. It is one of those nights where I want to get home, curl up on the couch in a nice warm blanket, eat lots of chocolate, and do nothing for the next twenty four hours. Alas though, I will get home, maybe go for a run right away while I am still motivated (somewhat motivated) and then work on some homework and some picture editing, and then curl up in bed. My goal is to be in bed by 8:30pm... I know, it is really early, but this girl LOVES her sleep a little too much! And all of this is pending I get out of clinic at a decent time. Keeping my fingers crossed!

*As it turned out, I was able to get done with clinic at the alotted time I had wanted to. Yippee! I made it home at the right time, got my run in, ate supper, and now I'm finishing up this blog post.

By the way, I SERIOUSLY want those shoes! Just might need to go register for that 5k at the end of October right now, kick it's ass, and then go by myself these shoes as a reward, what do you think?!